Coincidence? I Think Not!

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The old man continued with his ramblings, "The time it takes for humans to drown is usually five to seven minutes, even for trained swimmers. But that's assuming that there's oxygen stored in the lungs. If one were to expel all of the oxygen from both lungs, then a human would drown instantly from only a few drops of water!"

Kenzo wriggled his fingers while they were still shoved down Foo's throat, "Directly from your mouth, I damaged your fourth cervical spine. That contains the nerve that connects to your kidneys! Your adrenal gland! It releases a bodily fluid, much like engine oil, onto the mucous membrane of your respiratory system! It's only a few drops, but it should feel like you're being swallowed up and suffocated by a giant wave!"

Foo Fighters collapsed onto the ground, her throat beginning to swell and expand.

"F.F.!" Jolyne called out to her friend as she stumbled forward. You had stopped the bleeding, but she was still littered with holes and in no position to fight.

Bearing a smile, Kenzo turned to the injured woman, "Do you want to drown, too, Jolyne Cujoh?"

But Foo punctured through her neck with a finger, releasing the built up water. She fired another round at the old man only to get her head kicked between the gaps of the bannister.

And when she bounced back relatively fine from that attack, Kenzo's smile fell. "What are you? Are you even human?"

You had decided it was about time for you to join in the fight yourself when a pair of arms wrapped around your waist from behind, pulling you against their sturdy chest. "You don't need to join in yet, (Y/N). We should just observe for now. Let's evaluate the strength of that old geezer's Stand. The fact that he can drown people with his kenpo isn't really the problem. What's more dangerous is how he somehow 'dodged' the bullets and came away unscathed."

"Anasui..." You angled your head slightly to look at him, "Why are you even here?"

He planted a kiss on your neck, leaving behind some of his pink lipstick, "Because I love you. Isn't that reason enough?" He tightened his hold on you, "And you haven't talked to me in ages. I've been dying to see you again. You weren't hurt at all while here, were you?"

"Well..." Jolyne propped herself off the ground, "...this one guy made a meteor blast a hole through her head."

A dark shadow covered Anasui's eyes, "Who?" He was ready to tear apart whoever would dare to lay a hand on you.

You could practically feel his murderous aura, "Just one of the guards. We already took care of him."

"Oh. Haha. I see." He rested his chin on your shoulder, a faint smile on his face, "But next time, you should let me do the dirty work, okay? You shouldn't have to stain your hands with their blood."

"Uh... sure. But do you know anything about this Kenzo fellow?" You hoped he might have some useful info since he was from the men's ward.

"Hmm... maybe." He took in a deep breath. "Do you think you could say my name when you ask me, though?"

You let out an annoyed sigh, "Anasui, what do you know about Kenzo?"

He started mumbling into the crook of your neck. "He's been in this prison for around four years. He's an idiot who drinks his own piss. I hadn't seen him around the men's ward lately, but I didn't think I'd find him here... and as a Stand user, too." Anasui found himself getting sidetracked, "Who is that guy staring at us?"

The Ludicrous Escapade Pt.3Where stories live. Discover now