Finding Your Center

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Although, Pucci wasn't exactly alone, either.

"Look over here!" Exclaimed the severed hand once again.

Dio gave it a shake. "I am looking at you!" Sheer Heart Attack wasn't moving very much when confined in the vampire's grip. "You don't have to worry about this thing, Pucci. It may be practically unbreakable, but I'll just stop it from getting to you by staying two meters away. I don't really create any heat, so it won't blow up when it's near me."

"Very well..." So Pucci lifted his legs up to deal with the Jolyne problem. "Gravity is reversed! Everything falls in the opposite direction from my feet!" C-Moon then pummeled both of Jolyne's arms. "My attacks hit you! You've lost your arms!"

Jolyne's arms started to invert before the string began to morph into an infinity sign. Besides that, her appendages were relatively unharmed.

"What?!" Pucci could not believe that Jolyne had found a way to circumvent his invincible attack. Furious, he crawled over to her hiding spot. "Come on out, Jolyne Cujoh! This is futile! You cannot get away!"

Jolyne let out few heavy breaths, wiping blood from the corner of her mouth. With part of her lungs having been turned into a Möbius strip, breathing proved slightly difficult. "Stone Free!" As a means of payback, she used her Stand to try and break C-Moon's arms, but it managed to nick her throat. She immediately made a new loop to avoid more damage.

Pucci leaped back, standing on the side of some metal railing. "I respect the first human to have eaten a mushroom... It might have been poisonous. I wonder if it was just some lucky fool who happened to eat it and be safe or if it was an act of desperation and hunger that fueled his discovery?"

Dio shook his head, amused, "I swear, you always bring up the most random things... But, I don't know, it was probably both. He ate it because he was hungry but was lucky that it didn't kill him. Wouldn't that make the most sense?"

Pucci spared his vampire friend a glance. "I wasn't really asking for an answer." Then he launched himself toward the Cujoh, exchanging a few blows with her but only managing to skim the right side of her face.

"Is that...?" Dio spotted something underneath some rubble. It didn't take long for him to recognize it as your left hand. He supposed it made sense. After all, if your Stand cut off its hand, yours would've been chopped off as well.

Pucci began jumping around from wall to wall, strangely at ease with constantly shifting the direction of gravity. Debris flew every which way and bodies flipped around with barely a moment to touch the ground. "One blow. Where should I attack from? I only need to deliver one blow to her head."

Jolyne's face hardened, determination blazing in her eyes as she readied her fists. "That's it, huh? If you're going to come, give your all until the end!"

"No... I'm waiting for the right opportunity so I can be certain I will succeed. I've been circling around, cornering you. Do you understand? By making all these objects fall, I will find my destined moment for victory. I'm waiting for it to fall, but do you think you'll be able to avoid it with all those wounds and Möbius strips?" He hopped back down to the ground, everything following. "Here it is! This is what I was waiting for! The corpse of the security guard!" He was removing the gun from its holster when he suddenly felt an immense pain in his hand. "Dio? What did you do?" He could only assume it had resulted from something the vampire had done.

Dio looked down at his semi-charred hand. "Well... (Y/N)'s hand was a bomb. In hindsight, I probably should've considered that... But the explosion wasn't even that big, so I wouldn't be worried about-" Dio stopped talking, suddenly aware of the odd silence in the air. Time had stopped, but not because of his own doing. And Jotaro Kujo walking into the building only confirmed his suspicions.

The first thing Jotaro did was run in and scoop his daughter up into his arms. It was as he was doing that, that he realized the priest was somehow able to follow everything happening in frozen time. But seeing his life-long enemy standing a few feet away from Pucci, he was able to guess what was going on. And he didn't like it one bit. But before the priest had time to react, he figured he could at least get one good hit in. So Star Platinum Orad the priest straight into a bent up, metal frame.

Not far behind was Hermès Costello, a spear in her left hand as she stood outside the building with Anasui. "The SPW foundation launched one of these things from a distance of three kilometers in the air and managed to drive it into the visitor center. Using Kiss, I was able to split it in two. Ripping off the sticker it made them try and come together. As long as I hold onto it, no matter the gravity, it'll take me to where the other spear is. So with the help of that guy's ability to sense where Jolyne is" She pointed to Jotaro. "We were able to find our way here."

Hermès's body jolted in surprise when your head just popped up from the zipped open ground next to Jotaro. "(Y/N)?! What the fuck?! Are you a gopher or something?"

Bruno popped up behind you. "We were just using my ability to have more opportunities to take the enemy by surprise. It also made it easier for Yoshikage to take advantage of his Sheer Heart Attack without having to worry as much about the tie being ripped out."

"Yoshikage?" Jotaro took a look into the hole, not seeing any sign of the ghost. "Did SPW send him over to help you with the fight? Did you manage to get your memories back about the Foundation?"

"Uh... sort of?" You knew Jotaro had always been the most actively against you using more villains with your Stand, but it wouldn't be good to beat around the bush. "He's my Stand now, actually. So... yeah. And I only got my memories back a few hours ago." Before giving the Kujo a chance to voice his opinion, you switched conversation topics. "By the way, is Giorno with you guys? I can sense him nearby, so don't even try to 'test' me with him being dead or something."

"Why would anyone do that?" Jotaro was not aware of anything Anasui related. "That's not the type of thing someone should be joking about. But yes..." Jotaro motioned outside with his shoulder, arms still holding Jolyne. "Giorno met up with me once I woke up. But he got sidetracked by something on the way over so we went ahead."

"And I was kinda surprised." Hermès spoke, having also met the Italian. "He actually seems like a decent guy for a gangster."

Anasui scowled. "Yeah right. There's no way that's true."

Noticing Dio's unease, Pucci decided to talk about it. "Dio, do you truly think that your son, Giorno, will be against us? Against Heaven?"

The vampire let out a small sigh. "Considering that I went back on my word for pretty much all the promises I made to him... yeah... I don't think he's going to want to help us." Dio looked down, now realizing that Yoshikage's hand had just vanished from his grasp. You must've sent your Stand away for the moment.

Emporio crawled along the ground, joining the circle around the priest. It had taken him a while to make it over, but it was worth it. Probably. "We've finally got you surrounded, Father Pucci. The completion of your Stand in 36 hours is just your fantasy. It's game over! You have no more allies and you'll never be able to see the moon!"

The corners of the priest's mouth quirked up into a smile. "That is incorrect, Emporio. Fate is testing me, but is still on my side. In the same way that Dio is testing me by allowing me to solve this situation on my own. But the forces that aided me... it ended up being the Joestar bloodline. When you forced me into the frames, I finally realized! That my allies are the Kujos!" He began to float upward to the sky while still entangled with the metal. Dio, being a Stand and all, was forced to follow along.

"What the hell?!" Anasui had not been expecting the priest to just start flying.

"Gravity is working with me as its center." Pucci decided to explain the situation. "This means that if I were inside a box, then the box will float in the air as well! I understand now what you wanted me to do all along, Dio! I don't have to wait for the new moon! I've already obtained my complete ability!"

But Dio didn't say anything. He had practically frozen in place upon seeing someone else step into view, their blonde hair blowing in the wind. He was decked out in an extravagant, black suit. The now twenty five year old Giorno Giovanna removed his sunglasses and locked eyes with you. "Sorry I'm late. Did I miss anything?"

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