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Jolyne gasped loudly, a hand moving to where the hole in her chest used to be. It would seem she had healed up at some point. "This is...?!"

The sun shined brightly amidst the blue sky, barely a cloud in sight. Two helicopters could be seen whirring in the distance.

"I told you to get your hands off of her!" Shouted Anasui, gripping the front of Giorno's suit.

"Hmm..." Giorno gave the pinkette a closer look. "Now that I think about it, you look a little bit like Abbacchio, too."

"I look like a lamb to you?! You trying to make fun of me or something?" He brought out Diver Down.

"Er..." Jolyne turned to you, who was seated comfortably next to Bruno with the man's arm draped loosely around your shoulders. "What's going on?"

Bruno let out a sigh, "Apparently Giorno touched (Y/N)'s shoulder." Anasui went to punch the blond mafioso, his attack non-purposefully hitting the ladybug pinned to Giorno's lapel. "...that's gonna hurt."

Anasui found himself receiving the same blow he had just tried to inflict.

Giorno briefly straightened up his attire. "You see, that ladybug is actually alive. And, well, if you had held back more, you wouldn't have been hit so hard. It's your fault, really."

"Not to mention that you overreact to pretty much everything. That'll be the death of you one of these days..." Not that you cared. You might even go so far as to say you looking forward to it.

Anasui thought otherwise. "(Y/N)... so you are worried about me."

You banged your head against the metal table. "Bruno... remind to never speak to Anasui again."

Bucciarati chuckled under his breath. "Noted."

Hermès stood up from her very uncomfortable spot on the ground. "Not to be rude or anything, but don't you guys think we should be focusing more on what the hell just happened?!"

Anasui pushed himself off the ground, staying crouched as he spoke. "The gravitational effects have all worn off and the priest said that C-Moon was gone. Whatever that means."

"We have to follow the priest!" Emporio didn't want to wait around anymore. "Can't four of you guys sense where he is?"

You, Jotaro, Jolyne, and Giorno all nodded in sync. But you were the one who answered. "He's here. But the most we can get is that he's nearby. I can't really tell the exact location. If he was closer, then maybe..."

"But I'm more worried about what's going on with Dio." Just saying the name left a bad taste in Jotaro's mouth. "He was glowing, too. It's possible his power might have increased as well."

Giorno bit at his thumb's nail. "We'll have to make sure he's disposed of appropriately. Dio being reconfined to (Y/N)'s Stand is probably the best we'll be able to do, though." Even though he felt his father deserved so much worse.

It began to drizzle, clouds now coating the sky.

Hermès stomped closer to the building, stopping in front of the automatic doors. "I get it! The priest was all like 'It's complete!' and 'Time for Heaven!' and all that shit, but maybe he's just bluffing! We had him cornered! Maybe he's just pulling some trick so he could run away and wait for the full moon to come! In reality, nothing's going on and he's just using the time to safely hide away from us!"

You shook your head. "No... I think something definitely happened. Didn't you see that strange Stand that came out of Anasui's arm?"

"Also, don't go inside the buildings!" Ordered Jotaro, trying to remain cautious. "You should stay where you have a vantage point. Besides, this rain will stop soon-" He looked down at himself, completely drenched from head to do. As if he had been standing in the rain for hours. Everyone who wasn't under a roof quickly realized the same thing.

The Ludicrous Escapade Pt.3Where stories live. Discover now