Troublesome Child

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This is bad.

That was the first thing Dio thought the moment he realized what had happened to himself.

He hadn't been reborn.

He wasn't alive again.

He hadn't gotten his Stand back.

He was just possessing this stupid green baby!

Dio had essentially gone from one sub space to another. Rather than your void room, he was in a new space connected to the baby made from his bone. He was like a second Stand in addition to whatever power the baby already had. Dio had also quickly realized that his own ability was weaker, as well. He could barely freeze time for a second. He was smaller, too. Like a chibi version of himself.  The vampire could only assume that he would stay that way until the baby grew up.

Dio let out a long sigh. He'd just stay in his personal space for now. He could already imagine you and the others laughing at him the moment you saw what he'd become. He just needed to be patient, something he wasn't particularly good at, and wait for Pucci to get here. With the help of Whitesnake, he was sure at least something could be done about his predicament. This wasn't what he had planned at all.


"It's just like Anasui said!" Shouted Jolyne. "It feels like it's taking longer and longer to get close to the child! Stone Free!" She started to unravel her finger, sending thread toward the child. "I'm almost there! Just a little more and I'll catch it!" Her body began to wear thin, gaps forming along her body as she continued to unwind.

"Jolyne, even your string is getting thinner the closer it gets." You grabbed on to her shoulder. "You're going to fall apart if you keep doing this. The way we're going at it, getting to the child is impossible. There has to be another way."

"Another way?" Jolyne scaled the stalk of a flower. "How about I try jumping from here? If I jump off, there's no way I won't hit the ground. Eventually everything hits the ground. It doesn't matter how small I get, or how long it takes, but I'll eventually hit the ground. The only way for me to reach the child is to reach the ground! I'll definitely be able to do it now!"

You looked up at her from your position on the soil, unconvinced. "I think you're putting a little too much faith into your current understanding of the universe. I think the only way you'll hit the ground with this method is if the baby crawls far enough away from your location. Otherwise you'll be in free fall forever."

"There's no knowing until I try!" And so the Cujoh dove off the leaf and toward the baby.

Anasui shook his head with disapproval. "She just doesn't listen, does she?" He rolled the glass bottle he had been holding toward the child, curious about how the thing would react.

"You aren't really one to talk..." You brought a hand up to your forehead, shielding your eyes from the little bit of light that remained from the sunset. "She's not really making much progress, though."

"The ground is so close! I can almost touch it!" Jolyne had her arm outstretched, string still spiraling downward. "What...? I-It's heavy!"

A small Stand was using the thread to pull itself up, gnawing on the string. As it got closer, it's size only grew, along with its strength.

"Shit! Am I going to land anytime soon?!" Jolyne hadn't made much progress in her descent. "When the hell am I going to hit the ground?!" The enemy Stand bit through the string, making blood splurt out of Jolyne's hand.

"Anasui, can you use your Stand to throw me at Jolyne?" You could tell she was in danger, and you couldn't do much while still on the ground. So you hoped you could at least knock her out of harm's way. Yoshikage was only human, so he wouldn't really be great at chucking you toward the enemy. You didn't even have any of your other items. You were unable to get them in time prior to being dragged to the punishment ward. You were also certain that you wouldn't be able to make your blood reach far enough to do anything of real value.

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