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"35.750" Felix mumbled, noting the numbers in his notebook and taking another stack of money and starting to count it.

Today was an easy day. He spent a few hours in the lab, preparing someone's death and delivering it. It was worth the money for some wine mixed with cyanide. He chuckled, licking his thumb and pointer finger, starting counting the money.

Chan came out of the bathroom, a towel hanging around his waist. Wiping his hair with another towel he frowned at his phone.

Throwing the damp towel on the couch, he stopped behind the blonde, lightly grabbing his neck and making him tilt his head, pecking Felix's lips.

"Oi Channie, put some clothes on. I'll start drooling on the money if I keep seeing you like that" Felix muttered, putting the stacks into the safe behind a painting that Felix didn't know from where they had it.

It was pretty, to be honest. It was a sunflower, its yellowish petals being blown by the wind. He felt a sort of comfort in that painting— a connection.

Chan took a seat on the couch. "You good? You're staring at that painting for minutes now" Felix shook his head, placing the painting again on the wall.

"Someone called me and I don't know who it is, but the number looks familiar." Felix shrugged, his mind wondering what he'll do in the lab tomorrow "Call them back" he said, getting up.

"Do we have clients for this week?" the older shook his head, making the younger roll his eyes.

Wonderful, now he doesn't have a reason to lock himself in his lab. Felix, being the nerd he is, finds comfort in locking himself between test tubes and vessels, preferring to make drugs or play with the acids instead of dealing with his problems.

Chan sighed before calling the number. "It's busy" he said after a few moments. Felix returned from the kitchen with a cup of tea and sat on the couch taking Chan's phone, looking at the number. It seemed very familiar.

"I know it from somewhere—" he was interrupted by his ringing phone. Felix took it from the table and showed it to Chan, it was the same number. He answered and put it on the speaker. "Hello?"

"Hey, Felix?" Chan and Felix frowned, sharing a stare "Minho?" Felix asked, still confused.

Why was Minho calling them? It's already been three years, why did he show up just now?

Wasn't he dead? They thought he died after graduating.

"Isn't he dead?" Felix mouthed, Chan raising his eyebrows and rubbing his face "I don't know" "Yeah. Sorry to call you so late—" "It's okay, everything all right?" Felix said, sharing stares with Chan. What the hell is going on?

Minho sounded out of breath, like he was in a hurry. Did something bad happen?

"Yes and no. I need you and Chan... Friday at 11 PM, Seoul 567 No. 80" "Okay, is everything oka—," Chan says.

Minho ended the call, leaving the two men stunned. Felix opened his mouth to say something but closed it, blinking a few times.

Leaning his head on Chan's naked shoulder, Felix sighed looking at the side profile of the blonde.

Will he be there?

He couldn't understand why his mind went first to that male. He shivered, remembering all encounters with the person he hated the most.

The fuck is wrong with me?

"Friday is three years since we finished Amsalja," Chan said, running his fingers through Felix's hair.

Four years ago, Chan and Felix went to study for a year at Amsalja— a place where they learned most of everything they know, where they met Minho and many others. Creating their own little gang to party and fool around, like teenagers usually do; but they didn't keep contact, only with Jisung

Chan got up from the couch, stretching his body and groaning and walking slowly to their bedroom.

Felix sighed, finishing his tea in one gulp and sinking into the couch. "He certainly did something to contact us after three years in which we didn't even hear about him. Jesus I thought he was dead"

"Fuck knows" said Chan entering the room fully clothed. "We need to burn that cross in the cemetery with his name on it,'' Chan muttered, remembering what they did two years ago. Felix groaned, rubbing his face.

Yep... they buried the ashes of Minho's clothes thinking he was actually dead. Apparently he was not—

"Should we call Ji? Maybe he was called too— I mean, it's Minho who we're talking about" he said, staring at the ceiling "Why didn't he tell us he wasn't dead?". He chuckled remembering the tension between the two boys, and him, always, third wheeling. "We will see tomorrow, Lix. And we never brought him up around Jisung, remember?" Chan said, putting a blanket over Felix's legs.

"I don't want to go," he whispered, his leg bouncing up and down. "I have the feeling that the others are going to be there too. I exaggerate or do you have the same feeling?" Chan shook his head and looked at Felix, he knew why he was like this.

But still, why was he stressed over that?

"Calm down. He said he needed us. Perhaps the others will be there, you never know. Why? Don't you miss them"

Felix nodded and turned on the TV hoping that tomorrow is going to be just a stupid meeting. He inhaled sharply, feeling dizzy. His breaths became shaky, drawing Chan's attention.

He put an arm around his shoulders and pulled him closer to his body, rubbing his arm. "Calm down, no need to be anxious"

"I know, Chan. But still, many things can happen" he whispered, hugging the older tightly. "I know," Chan muttered, kissing the boy's temple and pulling him closer.

Felix started biting his nails, looking around, not focusing on the movie. Chan chuckled, grabbing gently the younger's chin and forcing him to look up "Everything will be alright, I am here, okay darling?" Chan whispered, the light from the TV making his features look more sharper.

Looking at the droopy eyes he felt his nerves calm down along with his breath.

Felix nodded, nibbling his lip "Words please" "Okay"

Chan smiled, leaning down and kissing Felix's lips feeling him finally relax.

Unfortunately, tomorrow wasn't what they expected.

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