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"I have been thinking for a few hours now—" Felix muttered, sitting down on the couch and placing the old bottle of wine on the coffee table along with two glasses "Who is having more fun now? Minho with Jisung, Changbin with Seungmin or Chan with Jeongin"

Minho and Jisung decided to go at a random club to party with some workers from the fabric and lab, Changbin and Seungmin tagging along only because there was alcohol and one of their acquaintances bought some weed to smoke together.

The eldest and youngest of their gang decided to go to the centre of the city where a big festival was organised.

Hyunjin threw a piece of meat inside his mouth from the large plate with plenty of food he had prepared earlier. "I bet Jisung is getting railed right now and clearly enjoys it"

Felix nodded, crossing his legs and playing with the threads of his flannel pyjama pants. "Changbin and Seungmin are clearly high and drunk too, making out on some random couch" Felix said, making Hyunjin chuckle.

"Chan is being dragged around the city by Jeongin, perhaps both whining about some shit"

Felix giggled, looking at Hyunjin who was looking so effortlessly good in a white t-shirt and grey sweatpants. Literally the clothes he slept in each night.

He feed Felix a cube of camembert with a small piece of walnut over it "Is it good?"

Felix hummed, nodding his head slightly and turning on the TV. "You really wanted me to have the first bite to see if it's good before you taste it, huh?" Hyunjin ate a cube of cheese just like Felix, smirking wolfishly "You know me so well, pretty boy"

The younger just rolled his eyes, taking the plate of food and placing it between them while a random movie was playing on the TV.

"How is it going with the changes in the system?" Hyunjin asked after feeding Felix some meat. The latter shrugged, watching intently the screen "Me and Chain are still pretty numb. It feels like we're dreaming"

Hyunjin hummed, caressing the younger's hair to somehow comfort him. He had no idea what to say or do to help him feel better. "But it's okay, Chain started being less... aggressive. He's not saying so many bad things like before and apparently he's the persecutor of the system"

Hyunjin gave his whole attention to the male, the movie long forgotten "Tell me more about it. What does it mean exactly?"

How much did Felix love that man. How he always showed interest in the most boring and weird things he was talking about.

"You know how often he acts in harmful ways" Hyunjin hummed, turning his body to face Felix and crossing his legs exactly like the male. "He has a really distorted view of the reality. Everything is a target and perhaps an enemy"

Hyunjin hummed, leaning his head on the back of the couch. Oh, how well he knew that.

"He acts and solves the problems in a really weird and harmful manner but they're apparently with protective intentions. He hurts others so he can protect the body"

Now it made sense. How he acted like a psychotic, running around with swords in his hands and throwing knives at everyone he had the chance to. Perhaps for fun too, he was a demon alter after all.

"Apparently from the beginning he saw you as a target because Chan manipulated me into thinking you want to hurt me so, Chain kind of hated you more than he intended to" Felix muttered, playing with the ring on his index finger, cherishing it more now than before knowing it was from Hyunjin.

Hyunjin sighed, not really wanting to remember those times. "He's a softie now" he grinned, remembering how in the last 7 days whenever Chain was in front he would cuddle for hours with Hyunjin and never leave his side.

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