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Stopping the engine, Minho and Jisung stepped out of the car looking around the parking lot.

There weren't many cars, just a few which already screamed 'I'm filthy rich.'

Interlocking their fingers, both males walked towards the entrance of the restaurant. "Good afternoon gentlemen," the waitress bowed her head in greeting.

Jisung smiled sweetly at her, sighing in content at the warm air hitting his freezing cheeks.

"The guests didn't arrive ye—" Minho asked looking around the restaurant, being interrupted by his own phone ringing. He sighed seeing the ID and answered with a sour smile "Hi San, where the fuck are you?" he asked, his face relaxing.

"Heeeeey Minho, um— heh, erm I might give you too much information but it's required in this situation" the male at the other end said awkwardly. "What did you do this time?"

San cleared his throat, another person laughing hysterically beside him. "Sooo" he dragged on the word, Minho humming and repeating the word to make his lovely friend say the reason they're late.

"Wooyoung might or might not gave me a blowjob while I was driving and I might or might not hit a tree"

Minho pursed his lips, looking dead at Jisung and blinking fast. Jisung frowned, looking at Minho confused and mouthing 'what?'

"Well" Minho said, clicking his tongue. "You got rid of a wood just to hit into another, man"

"Oh shit, he's mad" San muttered, laughing awkwardly after "I'll see you on New Year's eve then, Min. Sorry about this"

"No worries, just make sure your boyfriend sucks you home and not on the road" Minho said, chatting a little more with San before ending the call.

Jisung started laughing, wiping the tears rolling down his cheeks. "At least we got a free meal," he said, grabbing Minho's hand and dragging him to their private table.

Minho pulled Jisung's chair, motioning for him to sit down. He took of his coat, sitting down and flinching when the waitress placed a plate with food in front of him.

He frowned, looking at the woman filling their glasses with wine. After she left, Minho spoke.

"Those fuckers even ordered our food, damn it"

Jisung chuckled, gulping as he made eye contact with Minho.

No matter how much time they spent together, or of how long they were together he still felt an electric shock go through his body when he made eye contact with the older.

They stared at each other, a thick tension settling over them. Minho smirked, leaning more comfortably on the chair and spreading his legs slightly, readjusting. Jisung just swallowed, squeezing his legs and licking his lips.

The vibrating phone on the table interrupted their little moment, Minho clearing his throat "Excuse me"

"Ms Gyeol, good afternoon" he said, tracing the mouth of the glas with his index finger. He hummed and nodded his head, taking the glass and taking a few sips of the wine.

"Mhm, yeah they got into a little accident. I apologise for the sudden change of plans but we can discuss about moving buildings perhaps next week between Christmas and New Years"

Jisung ate quietly, looking intently at Minho talking and humming at what Ms Gyeol kept saying.

As if he felt the eyes on him, the older looked at Jisung winking at him and flashing him a smirk, making the younger melt.

"That's perfect. I have to go now, I'm in an important meeting"

With pink cheeks and shaky breaths, Jisung drank the whole glass of wine trying to calm his nerves.

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