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As they walked out of the basement, Seungmin found out towards the exit a small body in the dark corner of the hallway rocking and sobbing quietly. "I found him"

Crouching down, while keeping his distance, Seungmin put a bottle of water down in front of him and pushed it slowly towards the child. "Hello there—" he whispered, gulping when he saw the child flinch. "I won't hurt you, I promise. I'm with your father"

The child inhaled shakily, wrapping his arms around his body tighter while shifting closer towards the wall. "I am Kim Seungmin, I think you've heard of me" he whispered, pushing the bottle closer to the child.

"Where is my mom?"

Seungmin sighed, sitting down and rubbing his thighs. "We found her not long ago and we'll take her to the hospital but I need you to listen to me, okay?"

Mr. Gyeol's son nodded his head, licking his lips as he stared at the bottle of water. Seungmin opened the cap and pushed it closer to the child, his stomach dropping when he watched him chugging down the whole bottle. "You'll go down that hall—" Seungmin muttered, pointing towards the dark hallways while placing a flashlight in the child's hands. "until you see a short, bulky man that has a scar right under his chin. He might look scary but he won't hurt you, his name is Seo Changbin and he'll take you to the van where your mother is"

"Okay" the child whispered, gulping. Seungmin helped the child get up and rubbed softly his back, pursing his lips when he saw his state. Dirty, ripped clothes and his skin covered in scratches. "Do you know where your brother is?"

The child shook his head while turning on the flashlight "I heard them say he was on the second floor but that's all I know, I'm sorry"

"No, it's totally helpful what you told me. Now go down that hallway until you get to Changbin" Seungmin said, caressing the child's hair before tilting his chin slightly up "Focus on the end of the hallway and chin up, you're safe, okay?"

Nodding, the child started walking down the hallway, looking over his shoulder at Seungmin, still a little bit scared but stepping into the darkness when Seungmin gave him a thumbs up.

"I think the other one is in the main office. Binnie the child is currently on the way towards you, give him some food and then sweets, he's really scared"

"Got it," Changbin muttered, tapping his foot as he waited at the end of the hallway for the child.

"I feel like in a porn video with the step bro theme right now, this child's not coming faster so we can get out of here"

"Jesus dude, can you stop sexualising everything?" Jisung groaned.

"He's horny, darling. Seungmin didn't manage to get in his pants today" Minho snickered, Chan slapping the back of his head.

Changbin sighed, shifting his weight on his left leg "I just made a joke for fuck's saㅡ wait" he muttered, resting his hands on his hips and squinting his eyes. A small bulb of light peaked from behind the wall, growing bigger as the seconds passed.

"I think I see him," Changbin squealed, jumping slightly when he started seeing the slim shape of the child. "Get over yourself, Binnie. You're going to scare the kid" instantly stopping, the male rolled his eyes hearing his boyfriend's mocking voice.

"Jesus, Minnie. You're always ruining the mood" Changbin muttered, crouching down when he saw the child approach him slowly. "Not like I always ruin your aㅡ"

Everyone on that channel gagged or groaned, muttering "I'm out" ; "Stop, you're fucking disgusting" or instantly leaving it.

"Are you Changin?" the child softly asked, a tremor audible in his voice. Changbin smiled and nodded, finding cute the way the child spelled his name, unfolding the blanket he had taken from the van. "Is it okay if I touch you? I want to lift you up in my arms so we can move faster"

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