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"Good evening, sir" the male dressed in an elegant costume bowed. The buyer bowed his head, his bodyguards leaning against the car.

"It's been a while," the male said, looking around. Jimin nodded, wiping under his eye.

"Where are the hostages?" "Where is the money?" Jimin smirked, straightening his back.

The male scoffed, snapping his fingers. One of his bodyguards opened the door of the car as the other took a black suitcase out the back seat.

He gave it to their boss before bowing and leaning, again, against the car. He opened the suitcase, showing Jimin the money. The male nodded, humming. He pressed on his watch and muttered "Bring the vans"

"Where is Hyun?" the male asked, resting his hands in his pockets. Jimin smirked, looking around them at the buildings "He has a little business to resolve, sir"

"What the—" "Shit" Jeongin whispered.

The male hummed, tilting his head as he looked intently at Jimin. The younger one flashed him a smile, going to count the money.

"Um... Jim—" "They're here!" Namjoon screamed from the other end, running towards the place where the meeting was.

"Run with the money" Jungkook whispered, Jimin obeying. He closed the suitcase and got up "It was a pleasure doing business with you" he said before sprinting inside the building, the male shouting after him.

"Lee!" the male instructed , the latter shooting an arrow, its sharp arrowhead piercing in Jimin's skin, ripping the flesh and tissue, blood splattering everywhere. "Guys—" Jimin choked on his blood, his body falling lifelessly on the ground.

"Boys, back off," Minho said, his voice shaking.

"Too late"

"This was all planned, he wanted to get us all together,"

"Shit, shit, shit!" Seungmin whispered.

"What is going on now?" Hyunjin asked, tapping his foot impatiently

It turned quiet only the soft chokes of Jimin's being heard along with a pair of shoes stepping out of the abandoned fabric, a male in his late 50's stopping under the bridge. He was wearing an expensive black suit, hugging his body perfectly.

To be honest, no one expected that male to look so well at such an old age.

Hyunjin clenched his jaw, gripping tightly on his knife. That male looked so familiar, way too familiar.

Something seems off.

Changbin had his sniper aimed at the male who killed Jimin, ready to press the trigger. "Not yet, Bin," Chan muttered, the younger humming.

Jisung jumped beside Changbin, startling the male. He accidentally pressed the trigger, the bullet shattering the males skull, his brain flying out the cranium. "Damn it, Han!"

"Sorry!" the younger smiled apologetically, making the older rub his temples

Another male stepped over the dead body, hands in pockets and shinny shoes covered in blood.

"Long time no see,"

"Prepare your swords, ladies. Wait until they kill each other, then we will enjoy our time" Chain chuckled, shivers running down everyone's spines when he heard his voice.

"Chuldae is here"

"He fooled us,"

"Good evening, little brother"

"Little brother— what the fuck is going on in here?" Jisung said, frowning.

Hyunjin's eyes widened, his mouth opening slightly. "No fucking way..." he whispered

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