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The cold breeze made them shiver, goosebumps rising on their skin as they held each other close while gazing at the stars.

"What do you believe in?" Hyunjin randomly said, kissing Felix's head and pulling him closer.

Felix tightened his grip around Hyunjin's torso, tilting his head and looking up at him while resting his chin on the brunette's chest "What do you mean by that?"

"Do you believe in God, or in heaven and hell—"

Felix chuckled, resting his cheek against Hyujin's chest, trying to absorb all the warmth. "I believe in nothing and everything"

Hyunjin frowned, looking down at the male in his arms "How so?"

Sighing, Felix bit his lip, looking intently at the stars. "I don't exactly believe there is an old friendly man chilling on a cloud watching and helping us"

The older hummed, "Why not?"

"If he really exists and helps us. Why didn't he help me all my life? He never answered my screaming prayers in those cold nights when my father would beat and lock us in the basement; or guided me when I was lost after I killed him. Why would I believe in something I have never seen or felt it's presence"

"But I believe that in the universe there is a power that keeps everything in its place. That guides our path and throws some shit at us and says 'Deal with it bitch, it's a lesson'. Some believe it's God, but I believe it's the Universe. That we have spirit guides aka our passed ones or lost souls that want to help us— they can be in spirit form, in animals or even people"

Hyunjin smiled, caressing Felix's back and swaying softly their bodies to keep themselves warm. He loved the way the younger saw the world, how creative he was.

"Now thinking about it, it's really interesting" Hyunjin muttered, looking at Felix and seeing his eyes brighten. He smiled, his eyes wrinkling and cheeks reddening from the cold. "I know right?!" Felix said excitedly, pointing at the stars.

"Since I was a child mom told me if someone dies, their soul turns into a star and travels around the universe, trying to find a planet or different universe to live in again. The ones that we see are souls that are watching us, trying to decide what they want to become next or just try to guide us"

Gazing at the full moon, Hyunjin sighed. What Felix said kinda made sense. Did his mother travel through the universe and landed on the moon to watch over him?

He always believed his mother was in heaven, finally resting.

"What about the bad souls? We are criminals after all, what will happen in our current or next life?" Hyunjin asked, nibbling at his bottom lip.


Well fuck.

Felix chuckled, like he heard Hyunjin's thoughts. He nuzzled closer, feeling the tip of his fingers numbing from the cold.

"I believe that we went through all this shit so we can return the karma. Like— Chuldae killed your parents, you killed him. You punished him for his doings. And we will be rewarded in the next life."

Stepping back, Felix grabbed Hyunjin's hands. "We will meet again because it is our fate and we will live on an island and we'll have a peaceful life, drinking coconut water directly from the fruit with a bambus straw, dancing—" he twirled around, dragging Hyunjin after him "on the beach, feeling the sand between our toes and be free. What do you think?" Felix said, wrapping his arms around Hyunjin's torso and looking up at him with hopeful eyes.

The older smiled, feeling his cheeks hurt and hugging Felix back, pulling him close and pecking his lips. "I love that"

"We will wear skirts made of grass, I will steal flowers from the people's gardens so I can give them to you and we will have a beautiful daughter who will braid your hair with the flowers I gave you and smoke some weed on haystacks during the night as we look at the stars." Hyunjin said, picking Felix up and placing him on the railing.

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