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"Ok, so. You have to put the green substance from this syringe until it reaches the middle of the container, where the grey line is" Changbin explained, showing Seungmin how it has to be done.

Seungmin nodded, watching closely. "Now, you will take this syringe" he said, taking a syringe with a brown liquid. "And carefully you will pour the liquid on the walls of the container. If you pour it over the green substance we will not have the chance to go on the mission" Changbin muttered, looking seriously at Seungmin.

"Do you think I'm that dumb to do that?" Seungmin asked, crossing his arms.

Changbin smirked, placing a tray full of containers in front of Seungmin. "No, clumsy boy. I just want to live another day" "Well pray to get out alive of this room, old lad"

"Old lad—" Changbin wheezed, raising his hands in defence and turning around "Careful people, Seungmin's in the building" he chuckled, yelping when Seungmin threw a steel tray after him.

"Bastard" he mumbled under his breath, starting to fill the containers. "Oh shut up, puppy. You adore me" Changbin sang, inspecting Jeongin's swords before placing them on the table next to the guns and weapons.

"Do you wish to have that sword deep in your flesh?" Seungmin asked calmly, starting to fill the containers with the brown liquid.

Changbin smirked, looking at Seungmin from the side. "If you're the one pushing it deep in me—"

Seungmin threw his hands, blushing and trying to control his heartbeat that was going wild.

The older chuckled, smacking the younger's ass as he passed behind him to take a cloth. Seungmin hissed at the pain, taking a knife from the table and putting it at the older's neck, tilting his head and sneering.

"Where do you want your head to be placed? In the living room or— oh, on the front door" Seungmin muttered, his face close to the older's.

Changbin wetted his lips, looking up at Seungmin. "Well hello there, finally came back to earth?" he said, slithering his hands around Seungmin's slim waist.

Seungmin pressed the blade harder against Changbin's throat before pulling his hair, tilting his head back and smashing his lips against the older's.


Felix sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, trying to stay awake.

He felt tired like never before.

He just wanted to sit in his room, in silence and to meditate— that was the only moment he had peace and his head wasn't racing with thoughts, questions and memories.

A soft knock at the door made him open his eyes. "Put a pair of glasses and a mask you see on the table before you come in" he said, stirring in the flask.

The door opened and Hyunjin entered the room, closing the door fast after him.

"Hey" he muttered, walking closer to the younger.

"Hi" Felix said, smiling under the mask. He turned around, taking a jar with a white powder and a brown bottle and putting them on the counter.

"How are you doing?" Hyunjin asked, feeling a little shy looking at the blonde boy. He looked so intimidating preparing the chemical composition, the white material hugging tightly his muscles.

"Tired— can you open the oven and see if the brownies are fully baked?" he said, his full attention to what he was doing.

He crouched slightly, staring intently at the glass, pouring the liquid against the brown walls, foam rising in the bottle as the liquid touched the powder.

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