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His scattered knuckles knocked against the glass door making the security guard groan and get up to open it. "What" he said, his voice bored.

Felix showed the box in his hands "Delivery from Mamasitta's" he said, thinning his voice. Everyone recognised him after his deep but sweet voice.

Oh, how a monster was hidden under such a beautiful and innocent skin.

The guard nodded, letting Felix come in. He collapsed to the ground with a thud, Felix grabbing his leg and starting pulling the man after him. He hid the body after the counter where the man used to stay, chuckling at the situation.

How much he missed this.

He looked over his shoulder, making eye contact with Changbin, who was sitting on the roof of the facing building. Felix winked, starting to walk in the deserted hallway.

The place smelled of chlorine and hydrogen sulphide. He scrunched his nose, the smell was faint but he still could feel it wearing a mask.

Scatterbrained bitches, don't even know how to cover the fact they kill people in the building.

Felix shook his head, stepping in the elevator and pressing the 37 floor. "Yeah, the building stinks of chlorine and hydrogen sulphide," he muttered. "And what does that mean?" Jeongin asked, still not used with the chemical names.

"Chlorine to clean what the hydrogen sulphide did to the victims" Chan said from another line. "Ah" the maknae whispered, understanding now.

"In position boys, Felix is going to interrupt the meeting in a few moments," Jisung said.

The elevator doors opened, a bell sound filling the silence. Felix walked down the hallway, counting the doors. When he reached the 7th, he knocked and opened the door after hearing a "come in".

He bowed in greeting "Hello sir, your delivery" he gave the box to Mr Park, the leader of the group. The male nodded, opening the box and serving the brownies to everyone at the table.

Before Felix could leave the room, Mr Park called after him. "And the other delivery?" he asked before taking a bite from the brownie. Felix smirked after taking off his mask.

Everyone's eyes widened. Felix tilted his head and looked directly into the leader's eyes. "In your hands" he smiled cutely, keeping eye contact as choking sounds filled the room.

Most of the people at the table have eaten the served brownie, now choking and foam getting out of their mouths. A few didn't eat it, feeling something was wrong.

All of the men seated at the table were leaders of a small gang or mafia, planning to visit Minho's organisation. They didn't know what they were in, they thought if they gathered together and made a bigger mafia they could beat them— but they were wrong.

Felix leaned against the wall, his hands in his pockets, watching the windows shattering and small arrows gore the poisoned men.

Most of them stopped foaming, falling on the floor or slumping in their seats and a few were let to die, it was no use wasting such a rare and delicate substances on them.

Okay, step 1 finished.

It looked so simple but it wasn't. The leaders are dying slowly in the meeting room but the building was full of mobsters, fighters, and so on. This was just a distraction and a scratch on the paper.

Now it was the boy's job, he finished his and can play a little.

He turned around "Wish you a peaceful death, all the best wishes from Stray Kids" he mocked, getting out the room.

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