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TW: drugs, mature content

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Seungmin groaned, slumping into the couch. "So, why are we going there? What's the plan?" he asked, unscrewing the cap of the lavender oil.

Changbin closed the closet, sighing. He placed the bong on the table and took the essential oil from Seungmin. "I was transferred to the FBI department" he smirked, pouring a few drops of the liquid in the bong.

Seungmin's eyebrows rose, grinning at the information, cutting the oranges. "I want to see you in one of those uniforms," he shuddered as his imagination went wild.

"So that's the only reason why we're leaving? I thought we were going to play and do some shit" Seungmin pouted.

After finishing cutting the oranges and making the juice they put it in the base. "You, puppy, will help me put some pretty lies in those computers, the boys will have another mission" Changbin muttered, nibbling the younger's earlobe.

Seungmin hummed, finishing with the marijuana. He took the bong "So what will we write there?" his eyebrows knitted together when he lightened the weed and inhaled the smoke.

"Shit about Hyun. He will follow us of course so after he gets there, he can't leave New York or even his house. Everything will be double checked, locked and highly secured. All America will know his name and face, he will not escape this time"

Seungmin passed the bong to Changbin, relaxing on the couch. Closing his eyes, he let the weed run through his body, his toes curling at the feeling.

"I hope I can play with some pussies working for that bastard" he hummed, leaning his head to the side, his bangs moving to the side over his eyes.

Changbin chuckled, exhaling the smoke. "What about the others?"

"Minho will buy a building, we're extending the business. Guns will be made there, so I will be underground with Han a lot" Changbin muttered, passing the bong to Seungmin. "I hope I will not sit there and do nothing"

Snorting, Changbin shook his head, crawling towards the male and ran his hand through Seungmin's hair.

Straddling his lap, Changbin leaned down, inhaling the smoke from the bong in Seungmin's hand, before leaning forward, their lips brushing, passing it to the younger. "You, Innie, Felix and Jin are going to have so much fun." he booped the male's nose, smiling at the cuteness.

Seungmin's hands sneaked around Changbin's hips, cupping his ass and his nails digging in the muscles.

"That's all?" the male asked, lightening the weed, Changbin took another drag, holding eye contact with Seungmin.

Thick tension filled the room when Changbin exhaled the smoke, rising up in a cloud. He rolled softly his hips, smirking when the younger bit his lips.

Playing with the white gold chain around the males neck, Changbin licked his lips softly. "We are going to test the new joiners, we will fight, burn, torture our sweet enemies" he hummed, smirking when he felt the growing erection under him.

His hands slid down between their bodies, Seungmin letting out a breathy moan digging his fingers into the elders thighs, leaning his head back. Changbin took the bong, inhaling for the last time and placing it on the table. He blew the smoke on Seungmin's face, leaning down and taking his hot skin between his teeth, nibbling softly.

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