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Thinking about it, it made sense. It felt like the missing piece of the puzzle was found.

After he killed his father, the darkness surrounded him, or better said, Chain.

Even the name made sense now. Chain— holding him in the past, wrapping around him, shielding the world from him.

Felix scoffed, grimacing as he looked at the trees. They looked like they were running behind, but actually they were standing still, the car going forward. Just like life.

Hyunjin put his hand on the boy's thigh, squeezing softly. "Are you okay?" he asked, concentrating on the road.

Felix hummed, turning his head to look at the black haired male. He felt a smile climb on his lips, he looked so beautiful even though he drove.

One hand placed on his thigh the other one on the steering wheel, his head tilted to one sided, lip between teeth.

Hyunjin looked to the side, winking at Felix after he caught him staring. "Enjoying the view?" "You're beautiful" Felix whispered, staring at the male, mesmerised.

A light blush covered the males cheeks, trying to hold in his smile.

They sat in silence, the only sound being the engine and the music from the radio. Hyunjin hummed the song, his thumb rubbing circles on the boy's inner thigh.

I could get used to this.

He smiled, holding Hyunjin's hand and playing with it.

Hyunjin parked the car, his fingers interlocking with Felix's small ones. He turned around, resting his head against the seat and staring at Felix playing with his hands. He brought them to his lips, kissing softly the back of the boy's hand. "Let's go"

Did you see his eyes? That spark in them, Yongbok?

It's always there, why?

Felix heard a chuckle. He is so in love. You too.

"Shut up," he muttered. "Did you say something?" Hyunjin asked, confused. Felix shook his head, tapping with his index finger his head. "Bokie is a bitch"

Don't be disrespectful.

Felix scoffed, taking Hyunjin's hand and pulling him towards the entrance, smiling when he saw they were at a funfair. They entered and went to a boot where a buff lady was chewing loudly gum.

Hyunjin slammed the money on the counter, drawing her attention. She rolled her eyes, shaking her head so her yellow (bleached) bangs didn't stick to her sweaty forehead. She started writing something on a paper after she took the money, making a balloon that popped and sticking on her glasses and contoured lips.

She dropped a bunch of tokens on the counter, winking at Felix, making the male scrunch his face in disgust.

Hyunjin took the tokens, scoffing when he saw a little note with a number. He looked at the lady. She mouthed 'Call me'. "In your dreams" Hyunjin muttered, resting his arm on Felix's shoulders and pulling him close.

"The desire to have fucking chloride in a little bottle right now" Felix said, chuckling when Hyunjin wheezed "Disgusting"

"Okay, pretty boy. What should we begin with?" "What do you say about bumper cars?" Hyunjin smirked, side eye looking at the blonde male. He started running towards the bumping cards, laughing when Felix started chasing him screaming "Fucking bastard, wait for me"


After hours of laughing and bickering the sun started setting, both ales still buzzing with energy.

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