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Waking up, Hyunjin felt a warm hand caress his back making him smile and nuzzle his face in the soft fur of the plushie.

Was it all only a nightmare?

"Hyunjinnie" Chan's soft voice made Hyunjin groan and pull the covers over his face. "Come on, wake up" "Noooo" he whined, hugging Brownie closer.

With a sigh, Chan got up from the bed and pulled the covers along with him, chuckling when the half-sleeping male turned his head and gave him a look with only an eye open.

Giggling, Chan tiptoed cutely towards the bed, embracing the younger in a tight warm hug. "Don't look at me like that. Didn't you miss hyung?"

Groaning, Hyunjin rubbed his eyes and looked at Chan's features. "You were gone? Wait- why is your hair purple on that side" he muttered, pointing to Chan's left side of the head.

"Yes, I was in Korea for 2 weeks and Innie put too much purple shampoo," "Ew" Hyunjin muttered, grimacing and turning around to hug Brownie again. "Tsk tsk, no more sleep"

Yelping, Hyunjin dropped the bear when Chan grabbed him by the waist and threw him over his shoulder. "It's already too late, we need to train"

Not even bothering to fight his way down, Hyunjin just sat there, his hands hanging down and moving limply along with the way Chan moved and his eyes closed.

Losing track of where they are, he raised his head when he heard loud voices in the room. "Hey" Jeongin waved his hand at the older, making him tilt his head trying to see better. Patting Chan's back Hyunjin started squirming around "Okay, old man, put me down. I think I'll faint"

With a chuckle the blonde male let Hyunjin down, patting his shoulder before going to Jeongin and pecking his lips.

Minho pulled a chair, the squeaking sound drawing the males attention. Pointing at the plate with a finger, Minho muttered boredly "Eat." He turned around and turned off the stove, putting in a plate an egg with bacon and taking a seat next to Jisung and started digging in.

Hesitantly, Hyunjin sat at the table, starting to feel sick, again, from the smell of food.

"Tonight we have a meeting, lads" Chan said while opening the fridge. "And yes, everyone has to come." Groans filled the room making the boss chuckle.

"We will meet a good old friend of Chan's that will help us find Felix." Hearing that, Hyunjin's eyes shot up, looking intently at Minho, he took a bite of the bacon, not even realising it. "She was at the Seupai school"

Seupai school was an assassins school for girls, training them the most tricky things to kill/spy, just like Amsalja (the boy's school).

"Damn, she's good then," Changbin said, cutting aggressively the meat in his plate. "She's the best, trust me" Chan said, leaning closer to Jeongin. Minho nodded, drinking some coffee.

"She's pretty intimidating," he said, humming while stretching.

Oh shit... if someone was pretty intimidating for Minho, they were fucked.

"Shall the lord be with us" Seungmin said from the living room, everyone snickering at that.

Hyunjin accidentally made eye contact with Jisung, the squirrel-like male smiling at him and looking at his plate. Following his gaze, Hyunjin looked at his plate, his eyes widening in shock. When did he eat all the food?

Minho put a small amount on his plate knowing damn well he will not eat it all but now— it was impressive how he ate all that without even thinking.

After some time sitting in the kitchen and eating, Changbin and Chan got up, grabbing Hyunjin's arms and dragging him after them.

"What the-" he started squirming and kicking them but it only ended with the older's to grab his legs too (each one held an arm and leg).

Amazing! They're kidnapping me.

Why was everyone carrying and throwing him around?

"Where are we going?" Hyunjin asked boredly, his head hanging back as Chan and Changbin adjusted their grip on the youngers limbs. "The training room to bulk you up" Changbin smirked mischievously, looking down at the male.

"Oh, great! I thought you would throw me off the balcony or something" "We could do that too" Chan chuckled, pushing open the door with his shoulder.

Swinging him a few times, the older males threw Hyunjin on the ground with a soft 'thud'. Thankfully the floor had a foam mat making the impact more painless.

"Get up," Changbin clapped his hands, throwing cotton wraps in Hyunjin's lap "Today we're boxing, baby" he smirked, changing his top and starting to wrap his hands.

Oh Lord... he's fucked.

Soon Chan will make him a protein drin-

"After this, you'll drink a protein shake," Chan said, throwing his shirt somewhere in the room.


He changed his clothes and wrapped his hands, looking at himself in the mirror he frowned. He didn't lose so much muscle and fat, he was only a little out of shape.

And they say I am the dramatic one.

Sighing, he went to the punching bag and started his routine like he usually did with Felix.

God... Felix. How much he missed him.

He kept punching the bag, his mind wandering to what he found yesterday.

Rachel and Olivia are dead but Felix isn't. His heart broke just thinking of the two girls being dead— going through so much in their short life, they didn't deserve it.

For sure Chuldae has a plan...

He in Puerto Rico, and the girls were found around there along with that male.

And they were in Australia to get them, so the male was, perhaps, from there too.

Who was he?

Hyunjin stopped punching the bag, holding it still while leaning his head against it trying to regulate his breath.

"Changbin" he said, his voice sounding more powerful than he thought.

The latter stopped boxing with Chan, looking at Hyunjin concerned. He hummed, taking the bottle of water and drinking from it, "Who was the male found dead with Olivia and Rachel?"

Changbin shared a look of confusion with Chan, trying to remember "Lee Ned or something like that. He had freckles too"

Hyunjin raised his head, his heart beating in his throat. "Why?"

"I think I know where they keep Felix, shit, how long do we have until we meet that friend of yours?" "In two hours. But wait, where do you think he is?"



The Maxident albums arrived yesterday and DAMN THE PULLS 😱

I almost started crying from happiness 😭 the concept was really beautiful

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