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A week has passed and Felix's condition only worsened. He has been dissociating, being oddly clingy and co-conscious with Chain.

Bokie still hasn't "came back" as Chain stated a few days ago, her absence having a really big impact on the whole system. But where could she leave?

Chain and Felix said they didn't feel or see her in the inner realm where most of the alters were. Perhaps she just needed a break. Or she changed her position in the system. Or she just disappeared.

The last thought made Felix crumble from the inside. He could not lose his best friend and the caretaker of the entire system. He wouldn't be himself anymore.

Having a mental illness like DID wasn't that easy as he thought it would be.

From the constant changes in the system, of alters changing their roles, noticing alters he has never knew that were in the system, the new feelings, voices and thoughts.

And now after the things he went through, everything turned upside down.

It was exhausting.

Especially now, when he felt himself acting like Chain and sharing the same thoughts with the alter. It was weird. Being cold and crazy but clingy and like a baby with Hyunjin.


Felix untangled the blankets he buried himself in, in which he found comfort only in the warmth of them mixed with the citrusy smell of his boyfriend, and walked out of his room towards the end of the hall, stepping into the elevator, dragging a blanket after him which was wrapped tightly on his shoulders to keep him safe.

He felt in danger somehow.

Slamming the penultimate button, another thing he picked up from Chain, he tapped his foot impatiently, sighing when the doors dinged and opened.

He walked in the familiar hall, the warm air slipping under the blanket and hugging his freezing body. That floor always seemed to be more warm than the other ones in the entire building. Perhaps it was because of the big windows in the hall or just the fact it was Hyunjin's small heaven.

He caressed the leaves of the yucca in front of the digital screen lock, smiling to himself, remembering how small the plants were the first time he came there. (Read chapter 8 to know what's the context)

He pressed his thumb over the screen, the door opening and revealing a shirtless Hyunjin with his hair gathered in a loose bun, the shorter hair that didn't reach the bun resting against his nape messily. "Hi"

The black haired male looked over his shoulder, holding a thinner brush between his lips as he held a thicker one in his right hand. When he saw Felix he smiled, the skin around his eyes crinkling and his honey orbs disappearing behind the crescent squinted eyes.

"Hey, pretty boy" he breathed out after putting both brushes down.

He turned around, stretching his arms out, waiting excitedly for Felix to waddle in his arms which he did. 

Felix walked between his legs, wrapping his arms around the males shoulders and leaning down slightly to peck his lips. "What are you painting?" he asked, relaxing when Hyunjin nuzzled his head against the younger's chest while caressing his back.

"Just a sunrise from a really special day" he muttered, resting his chin against the males chest, feeling the soft but steady beating of his heart and puckering his lips, wanting another kiss.

Felix chuckled at the action, leaning down again and kissing softly Hyunjin, making the male hum in satisfaction. Their lips moved softly against each other, letting the kisses linger.

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