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They were currently sitting at a table munching different delicious foods, sniffling sometimes from the cold.

Changbin had his arm around Seungmin's shoulder and kept pulling him close while feeding him chicken wings, the younger clearly enjoying the affection. Changbin took a bite from a wing before bringing it to Seungmin's lips, doing that repeatedly, usually drenching them in sweet chilli sauce.

"Do you want one?" Hyunjin asked, seeing Felix stare at him eating churros for a few minutes now. He didn't get anything because he didn't have appetite after the anxiety attack from earlier.

Licking his lips, Felix looked at Hyunjin's eyes and nodded hesitantly "I never ate this" he muttered, staring at Hyunjin's hand, taking a churro from the box and giving it to him.

The older smiled softly, arranging the fluffy hat on Felix's head, brushing the stray strands of hair blown by the wind "They're delicious. If you like it I will buy you more"

Nodding, Felix took a bite, his eyes widening and lightening at the sweet taste. He hurriedly took another bite making Hyunjin tut softly "Don't eat that fast, you'll feel sick"

Chan sighed, dropping his head on Seungmin's shoulder or better said Changbin's bicep, the latter turning his head confused and staring at the older. "What?"

Chan shrugged "Nothing, I'm just bored" "We just got here hyung" Jisung said, passing the icecream to Jeongin. "I swear to God if one of you two catches a cold because of that ice cream I'm beating the shit out of you"

"Oh shut up Minho hyung and eat your pudding" Jeongin muttered, gasping when Minho flipped him off making Zariyah snort, choking with a nugget.

Hyunjin flinched, slapping her back to stop her from chicking, receiving back a hard slap.


"Thank you!" Zariyah smiled at the old male, taking the small bag from his hands. "Enjoy your night" "You too"

"Here you go" she said, giving Felix a box from the bag. Felix opened, expecting to see the earrings he made Zariyah buy for him— he was too anxious to ask but thankfully the woman talked with the male sitting at the jewellery stand.

He gasped, looking at the silver ring, small leaves engraved around the thick band.

Pouting and looking at Zariyah, Felix hugged her tightly, the woman laughing and rubbing his back. "I love it" "I am glad, it matches with mine" she muttered, showing her right hand, a more thin silver band with the same engravings shining softly on her index finger.

"I need to buy you something too—" Felix was cut off by Zariyah waving her hands "You don't need to! Buying things is my love language so remember that you're special to me even if we met a few weeks ago. Okay?"

Felix nodded, scrunching his nose when Zariyah ruffled his hair. "Now let's see Hyunjin's small gift" she whispered excitedly, throwing her arm around the man's shoulders and pulling him close so no one would bump into him.

"Aren't you cold? This jacket is so thin, Jesus" Felix said, forgetting the earrings she got for him.

Zariyah waved her hand, clicking her tongue "After living so much in the cold, you find it welcoming and more warm"

Felix nodded, understanding the real meaning of what Zariyah said. He watched her open the small black box, both gasping when they saw the beautiful white gold earrings. "I'm stealing them," Zariyah muttered.

Felix grabbed the box, looking sternly at the woman. "Don't even think about it" he threatened, his voice dark.

She laughed, pinching his cheeks and cooing. "Oh my God, you're so adorable" she said in a more high pitched voice, teasing the fuck out of Felix.

He frowned, all the members got scared of him when his voice turned lower and darker but Zariyah... laughed?

She's not sane.

Indeed. Chain said, being close to the front, alert if something bad happens in the crowded place.

"Now let's go back and search those motherbitches"

Some of the older motherbitches were currently on a carousel, screaming like small children, enjoying way too much this entire thing while the younger ones stared at them amused.

"I am flying!" Changbin screamed, throwing his hands as the pony he was sitting on kept moving up and down.

Chan chuckled, holding tightly on the black horse's ears, muttering "vroom vroom" like a small child, moving the horse's head from left to right. Perhaps it was broken, Jeongin and Seungmin thought.

Both of them were with their hands crossed in front of their chests, watching the older males act like 5 year olds while Hyunjin and Jisung were hyping Minho up who was trying to match the pitch of the carousel's theme song, rocking back and forth with the camel he was sitting on.

All of them bursted out in laughter when the carousel stopped abruptly, all three males falling from the seats.

"Fuck!" "My ass hurts, fucking Satan!"

Zariyah and Felix found them in a really questionable situation.

"May I ask why Jisung is rubbing Minho's ass?"


I will start posting during the weekends or sometimes during the week. School will start again and I will be busy af.

Thank you SO MUUUUUUCH FOR 90K!!

Stay safe!


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