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TW: some actions in this chapter may trigger you. Mention and use of sharp things (needles). You can skip this part if it triggers you in any way possible. (I will put an !!! when the action starts and ends)

Everything was moving too fast.

Today you hate someone and the next your heart flutters just at the thought of them.

It was such a weird feeling. Just in a blink you feel so comfortable with a person, you feel warm around them and you don't even know how that happened.

Felix asked himself how did this happen?

A few weeks ago he expected to pierce Hyunjin's skin in his basement, with the men tied with chains in the ceiling and almost passing out from the long torture— not helping him pierce his fucking ears.

When did they start kissing at random times? Or helping each other in the training room? Or even having a normal conversation without fighting?

When did the desire appear? The tension and the weird feeling in his chest and stomach?

The little smiles when Hyunjin did small things like holding the ribbon between his lips as he tied his hair, how he played with his ring when he was bored.

When did all of this start?

Hyunjin stared at the little bottle in his hand, watching the liquid hit the walls of the vase as he moved it in a circular motion.

Felix was in the bathroom, taking some things he needed for piercing Hyunjin's ears.

"Okay, let's go," Felix said, making Hyunjin get up from the bed.

He asked the older boy why they had to go in his room but Hyunjin just shrugged saying that he had the required things already there.

They entered the room and Felix looked around a little shocked. He did not expect this. He never actually thought how his room was but now, being in it, he couldn't say anything.

Everything was black and white. The furniture was white and the walls a shade of grey almost black, making a confusing but beautiful contrast.

But the thing that caught his attention was the bookcase that covered all the wall that was facing the big window.

Felix's room was beautiful, everybody said that but Hyunjin's was breathtaking.

"You like to read?" was the only thing Felix could say as he traced his fingers over the spine of the books. He did not reach the middle of the shelves because the bookcase was so tall that not even the names of the books could be seen on the spine.

"Mhm. It's my comfort place— living in another reality where everything has a meaning, a lesson and where you know how it ends. How my mom used to say 'A reader lives a million of lives. Bad, good, beautiful, heartbreaking experiences, every one of them having their own place in their hearts, making them feel the things that they can't feel in this world' " Hyunjin said, looking at Felix with a soft smile on his lips.

Felix smiled, "That's so beautiful" he whispered, moving his stare to the male beside him. He cleared his throat and pointed to his ear, feeling nervous as Hyunjin turned around and said "Follow me"

They entered the bathroom, on the counter of the sink being sterile needles, earrings and cotton.

Hyunjin sat at the end of the bathtub, looking at the younger how he placed the saline solution, a little box with earring, disinfectant and a marker next to the other things. He gave him the marker "Make a dot where you want to have the piercing" he said.

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