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Hours passed and the boys went home, shivering, limping (from falling on the ice) and in a good mood.

They sat on the couch and floor, wrapped in blankets or in their lover's arms, watching a movie.

Jeongin shivered, adjusting his position in Chan's arms, the older hugging him closer. His head was resting on the younger's shoulder as he watched the movie intently.

They were watching Deadpool (u understand besties what's going on, 😏). Some were watching it and others were doing other things.

Minho had his hand wrapped around Jisung's neck, who was sitting on the floor, kissing upsite down (that shiit it's hot as fuck).

Felix was curled up in a fluffy blanket, Changbin hiding his freezing feet under the blonde's pink blanket.

Hyunjin's head was resting against Felix's feet, sometimes the blonde boy playing with the boy's pink hair, and Seungmin was playing with a purple bracelet that had red lines smiling at it and feeling shy.

A silent moan came out of Jisung, only Jeongin hearing it. The maknae blushed, feeling embarrassed that he found attractive the view of his two hyungs making out. Nobody seemed to care that they were eating each other's faces.

Becoming frustrated he turned his attention to the movie and a specific scene started— seriously, right now?

He tried to compose himself. The movie scene and the scene beside him were both too hot, attractive and interesting. Blushing harder he felt Chan's breath against his neck and how the older was caressing his stomach and chest from time to time.

Jeongin shifted again, feeling his pants tightening. He whined, covering his face in his knees, slightly rocking back and forth.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" Chan whispered, still watching the movie and hugging the boy's waist.

Jeongin swallowed, melting at the given comfort but still feeling embarrassed like hell. And the nickname didn't help with how he was reacting at the scenes around him.

He kept moving his stare from the movie to the boys next to them and back. His body started reacting and he tried to control himself.

What's going on?

Chan looked at his maknae and kissed his cheek, chuckling, when he saw how his stare kept moving.

"Is my little boy aroused?" he whispered in his ear, Jeongin shuddering. He nodded, hugging Chan and hiding his face in the crook of his neck. He died of embarrassment because he was frustrated over a little make-out between two of his brothers.

Jeongin cupped Chan's face, trying to see something. Their lips met in a slow kiss but after a few moments it became heated and the younger felt like exploding. It was worse now.

Good job idiot.

It's had been years science Jeongin had a sexual interaction with someone.

He's been asking his sexuality for four years and when it all started he couldn't feel anything.

He couldn't get aroused even if he watched, heard, thought or even did it. And he forgot how it felt, how all the patience disappeared and all his mind and body needed was some friction, a release.

Chan rubbed his back and kissed his forehead. "Do you want to leave, take a shower and calm a little down?" "Mhm" he whispered back.

"Ok, let's go" he muttered, helping him get up.

Chan understood why Jeongin acted like this. Everything was too much for him. The sexual tension between the members, Minsung ready to fuck every second, Seungbin shamelessly flirting and teasing and Hyunlix— the worse.

The poor boy was always interrupting them, in the middle of it. It was overwhelming. So Chan was just there, helping him how he could.

Felix looked at the leaving males, feeling a little concerned at how Jeongin looked redder than Deadpool's costume and Chan had a little smile on his face.

He furrowed his brow, silently asking Chan what's going on. Chan tilted his head towards Jisung and Minho and understood.

Staring a little longer at them he nodded.

Well that's hot, no cap.

After going into Chan's room, Jeongin sat at the edge of the bed, fanning his face with one hand and with the other covering it.

The blond sat next to him and rubbed his back softly. "Do you want to be alone so you could calm down or erase the tension?" Jeongin whined, wanting to dig a hole in the ground and hide in it.

"No— fuck, this is embarrassing" he muttered, starting to shake slightly. Now it started hurting at how hard he was.

"How can I help yo—" "Shut the fuck up Chan and just kiss me" Jeongin cut the older off, mervousness filling his voice.

Chan gulped, nodding and kissing the boy softly. After breaking the kiss, Jeongin leaned seeking Chan's lips. "This may lead to something else Jeongin" Chan said, he looked like he was nervous.

"Is it a bad thing?" he whispered against the elder's lips, "I don't know." Chan breathed, finally kissing the maknae.

Jeongin never thought that kissing someone would make you horny but now, hearing Chan's little groans and the sound of their kisses filling the room, made his body shake.

Straddling his lap, Jeongin's body started to move itself. Letting out a shaky breath he tilted his head, Chan kissing the boy's jaw.

The little friction of their lower bodies touching made him feel like a hormonal crazy teenager again. He acted like he never did this— and he actually never did it with a male and now, it felt amazing just grinding against each other.

After leaving a trail of dark marks, Chan took off his shirt and helped Jeongin too. "If it's too much, you want to stop or anything. Tell me" he said in a harsh tone, making the younger blush.

Jeongin started touching Chan's muscles smirking "Okay, daddy"

Chan shuddered, blushing slightly "Oh please fuck me" he muttered grabbing the back of Jeongin's neck and pressing their lips together, their tongues searching each other's mouth.

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