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TW: mature content

Some actions in this chapter may trigger you. If you feel uncomfortable please skip this chapter.
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Letting a rumble of pleasure, Chan's back hit the mattress, Jeongin started kissing and biting at the older's neck. The kisses were shy like he was scared, embarrassed but hearing Chan's little gasps and groans, he gained confidence.

After making a few dark marks on Chan's sculpted chest and neck, Jeongin stared at his work, feeling proud.

"Look at you" Chan whispered, placing his veiny hand on the younger's chest, smiling at him. "You're such a handsome grown man— just look at you" he caresses the boy's cheek and hair with one hand and with the other holding his waist.

Jeongin blushed, smiling and pecking Chan's lips. He yelped when Chan flipped them over, him being on top and the tension shifting. Fuck, it was thicker and the male on top radiate dominance.

He started leaving small kisses over the boy's face, making him laugh "It tickles" he chuckled but tensing as he felt the tickling kisses going down to his neck, chest and finally abs.

Pinching Jeongin's nipples softly, Chan traced the line of the maknae's abs with his tongue. Whining, Jeongin slithered his long fingers in Chan's wavy blonde hair, making the male moan at the pulling.

"Are you sure? Like 100%?" "Just do it already," Jeongin nodded, smiling at his boyfriend. Chan pulled Jeongin's pants and underwear down and smirked.

"My little fox. So beautiful and just for me" he said, tracing his finger over the prominent v-line. "Turn around on your knees" he muttered in a low voice.

Holy crap, that's a 180 turn.

Jeongin whimpered at the harshness of Chan's words, biting his lip as he stared at Chan in only black sweatpants, searching for something in his closet "What lube flavour do you want? I have the classic one and watermelon". He turned around and stared at Jeongin, tilting his head "When I told you something, you do as you're told, sweetheart"

He turned around, sitting on his knees and arching his back softly until he felt his chest pressing against the black silk bed sheets.

Chan put a collar around his neck, kissing behind his ear "It's this okay? Do you feel comfortable?" he asked in a soft voice "Yes, hyung" the maknae breathed out, feeling nervous.

Chan swore that he will just fuck the life out of the boy if he kept teasing him like that.

Goosebumps raised on his skin, feeling Chan's lips on his spine and helping him open his legs at a certain angle. "Relax now, I'm going to prepare you."

Before he could react, Jeongin felt a cold substance against his rim and Chan pushed his finger softly in.

Staying like that for a few moments, letting him adjust, Chan kept kissing the boy's back and admired the muscles. He started moving it slowly, hearing the boy under him breathing shaky.


He poured more lube on his second finger before inserting it.

Jeongin thought about it, he didn't feel anything, just two fingers moving in and out, crossing and scissoring. It didn't feel good or bad, he just felt himself adjusting and widening around the fingers.

"This is how women feel when we prep them?" he asked, voice muffled by the pillow he was slightly hugging. Chan chuckled, inserting the third finger. "Patience, love" he smirked, pressing on the boy's prostate hard.

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