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"Can't you talk with Chain so Felix doesn't know about this? I think it would be more comfortable for him" Zariyah muttered.

Hyunjin hummed in disapproval, playing with the small bottle. "From what he told me he is usually co-conscious when Chain is in front so it's easier if we directly tell him"

"Fuck this is so complicated" Zariyah held the pill in her hand along with a glass of water while Hyunjin opened the cap of the bottle. "Do you want me to leave so you can talk privately with him?"

Hyunjin shook his head, holding the bottle under Felix's nose letting him inhale a little of the ammonium vapours. "I think it would be better if we both talk with him and show him he will be safe or I might run away from this hell with him"

The woman chuckled, turning her attention when she heard Felix inhale deeply.

Hyunjin pulled away the bottle and screwed the cap, looking intently at the male starting to wake up.

Felix's body was tense as he started breathing normally, his lungs filling with oxygen properly as he coughed from the ammonium. His eyes opened slowly, instantly meeting Hyunjin's. "Hey pretty boy"

They both flinched when they heard a screech and looked at Zariyah who covered her mouth, her eyes wide "Sorry but hearing you call him that makes me kick my feet"

Hyunjin blushed in embarrassment, turning his attention to Felix. "Here, love. Take this and you'll feel so much better" Zariyah muttered softly, showing Felix the pill.

Still a little dizzy, Felix just nodded and sat up, swallowing down the pill and drinking the whole glass of water after he stopped coughing.

They sat quietly, looking at each other and waiting for Felix to start being more aware of his surroundings. "Hug" he muttered, turning his entire body towards Hyunjin.

The latter gladly opened his arms, hugging his boyfriend tightly and running his fingers through his hair, feeling him relax. Felix started massaging Hyunjin's back, feeling him tense too. "Who's in front now?" Zariyah whispered, weirded out of the softness of the male everyone was scared of.

"Felix" he muttered against Hyunjin's chest.

"Oh" she whispered, pursing her lips and scratching her head awkwardly.

"Are you okay?" Hyunjin muttered against Felix's hair, feeling him shake his head and hug him tighter. "I hate him so much, Hyunjin." His words were muffled but both heard it clearly. Hyunjin sighed when Felix's body started trembling slightly, feeling the tears wetting his shirt.

Kissing the top of his head, Hyunjin rested his head over Felix's and rubbed his back. "I want him to suffer" he sobbed quietly, making Hyunjin purse his lips.

He felt like crying too. It hurt, feeling Felix's body shook with cries and his heavy breaths trying to calm himself down. "I want him to fucking die, disappear from this world and never see him again"

"I will do that, just give me the order and I'll cut his head off" Hyunjin gritted his teeth, closing his eyes when Zariyah started caressing his and Felix's hair to calm them down.

It was pretty funny how she could calm them down— or control them with her intimidating aura but now she seemed more... soft.

Nuzzling closer to the warmness of the male, Felix inhaled the citrusy perfume, calming down slightly. "Do I really have to go back there?"

Hyunjin bit his lip and looked at Zariyah, pleading silently to the woman to help him. She wrapped her arms around both of them and hummed. "Unfortunately that bastard already planned everything but, Felix—" she started scratching his scalp softly "You're going to be safe, I promise you"

Hyunjin hummed, kissing the younger's scar across his face and smiling at him when Felix looked at him. "Chuldae and Hyunho are dead, pretty boy. Nobody is going to hurt you, I'll make sure of that" he whispered, wiping the male's cheeks.

Felix's eyes twinkled in the morning light as he stared at Hyunjin which made the latter's heart leap. "But what about him?"

Zariyah frowned, looking at Hyunjin to get an answer. Who did Felix refer to? Who was 'him'?

Hyunjin kept eye contact with Felix and shook his head. "He is dead, love. You killed him seven years ago" "But what if he is still alive? I'm scared Hyunnie"

Hyunjin cupped Felix's cheeks and rubbed circles with his thumb "You don't have to be. I will be there, Zarriyah, Minho, Seungmin— all of us will be there to protect you. Remember how you burned the house down with his dead body inside? He is cinders"

Zariyah understood what Felix meant by 'him' and tightened her hold around the males.

"And you're the most known psychopath on the continent, everyone trembles when they hear your name. They won't dare to even look at you" she commented, massaging Felix's shoulders. "Everything will be okay, I promise. You need to stay there only one day and we'll come back home"

Hyujin nodded, pecking Felix's face, smiling when the younger erupted in a fit of giggles. "I'm sorry for being dramatic" he whispered after he calmed down, sniffling and wiping his nose with the sleeve of his (Hyunjin's) hoodie.

"You are not! Don't you ever say that again, Felix" Zariyah protested, pulling Felix away from Hyunjin's embrace and turning him around. "You went through so much shit others can't even have nightmares about. Don't listen to Chan's bullshit or I'll kick your ass"

Felix's eyes widened, nodding furiously. "O-okay"

Fuck, I stuttered.

She was scary when she was pissed off.

How would she act if she was angry?

Felix shivered at the thought, truly terrified of the day he would witness it.

"Good, now let's wash your face. We don't want irritated skin, don't we?" she smiled softly, picking him up effortlessly. "Wait, put me do—"

Hyunjin laughed when she threw Felix over her shoulder, the younger hanging like a cat. "If you're doing skincare I want to join!"

Zariyah looked over her shoulder at Hyunjin and grinned while Felix raised his head and looked pleadingly at his boyfriend to be saved. "Then tag along, dear. I have panda and unicorns face masks"

Hyunjin jumped up from the chair and waltzed behind the tall woman. He missed doing girly things with Bokie and Zariyah reminded him of her too much.

Gosh how much he missed gossiping while having a cringe face mask and cucumbers over his eyes.

"Can we get Champagne?"

"Fuck yes!"


OMFG 5 STAR IS SOOOOOO GOOOOD. Like the vibes and music style is just my cup of tea 😩

DLC, FNF, Item, Hall of fame and Get Lit scratches my brain just perfect.

I love how in S-Class there's the lyrics "counting the stars" just like Bokie says "A star, two stars"

What do you think of the new comeback? And the songs?

Stay safe <3


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