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Fuck, please not now—

Felix felt his hair being pulled softly and his head tilted back.

Hyunjin clicked his tongue, tsk-ing softly and shaking his head. "Still looking like shit. You make me feel pity just by looking at you" Hyunjin grimaced, taking seat at the table.

Smart move Hwang, starting a fight in the cafeteria.

"At least you feel something, fucker" Felix mumbled. Hyunjin leaned on the table, cupping Felix's face with his strong hand, making the younger look at him "What did you say?" he spat.

Their faces were so close that Hyunjin had a better view of Felix's freckles. Oh, how much he wanted to kiss them but slap Felix, both at the same time.

Felix looked at him numb, he was so tired of this all. "Oh, now we are going to cry? Pathetic." Hyunjin said, pulling his hand away fast after he saw Chan and Minho walking towards them.

Chan sat next to Felix, putting a hand over the younger's shoulder and rubbing his arm, offering him a little comfort. Felix swallowed the lump in his throat and tried to compose himself.


His father's words and Hyunjin's echoed in his mind. He really was pathetic, almost crying because he felt overwhelmed by everything.

"Are you okay?" Chan whispered, pulling a few strands of hair off Felix's face. Felix shrugged, wanting to lock himself in his room and just die.

Today is one year since Felix murdered his father— and mother.

Breath Lixie, a star two stars.

His mom's words whispered against his ear. He took a deep breath and exhaled, feeling the urge to disappear but then he will really look pathetic. Killing himself because the darkness reached him.

Oh, how tentative it was, finally feeling nothing. Just the darkness around him and just being there, without eating him alive.

The desire grew every day and sometimes Felix just looked at himself. And though What if I throw myself off a bridge or overdose? Nobody would care.

Like it didn't happen before—


The movie kept going, being almost finished.

At least, now, Minho and Jisung were cuddling and not kissing the life out of each other thanks to Felix saying that if they don't stop he will take them in his basement and have a little fun with them.

Changbin stared at the screen, rapping in his mind the words the actors were saying. He was lying on the couch, his right arm under Seungmin's head that was sleeping peacefully, holding the muscular arm for dear life and, with his left hand, he played with the brunette's hair.

He smiled to himself when Seungmin nuzzled his face in his bicep, his lips brushing against his skin. He arranged the blanket around the younger, covering his shoulder and arm.

Felix stared at the ceiling, just thinking about the old times. How it was better then than now.

His legs rested on Hyunjin's shoulder, the older massaging the younger's foot's to erase some tension he felt in Felix and the younger playing with the boy's pink hair.

He tilted his head back, resting on the couch and looked at Felix staring at his soft features. He looked sad and deep in thought. He started tickling his foot making the younger snap out of it and giggle, squirming to get out of the older's hold.

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