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During his teenage years, thinking about kissing someone— sharing an intimate moment together, disgusted Felix.

He didn't understand the meaning of it. He thought that it was something boring, but at the same time he wanted to experience it to know how it felt.

Why was it so special to share with someone something intimate? A stare, a kiss, a night. Usually people take advantage of it, of your vulnerability and feelings— that's why people don't trust other people.

Maybe it was different from what he saw. His parents never showed love to each other, they pretended but you could feel in the tension, the violence and hate.

And that's what he did all the time. Pretend. With Chan... when he had those moments he pretended.

Always after a moment like that he scrubbed at his skin, disgusted and unpleased asking himself 'Why it has to be this way?'

But now. It felt different.

It was different.

He did not understand why now, why with him.

He did not understand what he was feeling. The warm feeling in his stomach and chest, the fast beat of his heart.

He ignored it as he melted in the kiss.

It was so gentle and Felix knew that Hyunjin was like him. Stone. So why did he not treat him like that?

"I want to pay you back," Hyunjin mumbled. Rubbing circles on the younger's waist. He felt the male's nervousness and anxiety, his body tense.

Felix titled his head, thinking of what. Then he remembered and a weird feeling passed through him.

He felt a blush creep on his cheeks.

What the heck it's happening with me?

He felt a pair of soft lips kiss his neck, his head becoming blank and feeling dizzy.

He shivered at the feeling. It was weird but it felt good and when he felt Hyunjin bite his skin it felt like heaven.

When Chan bit his neck, it always hurt.

But why was he comparing Chan with Hyunjin?

Enjoy the moment.

He didn't have to pretend. "Do you want it? It's okay if you don't" he muttered, his lips brushing against his skin, Felix gulped, trying to form words. "Y-yes" the older smiled softly and kissed his neck again.

Hyunjin got up, Felix's legs around his torso. His eyes were closed and his head tilted, giving room to the older to do as he pleased.

He felt his back pressing on the sheets and saw Hyunjin hovering over him. He needed to hire an artist and paint the scene in front of him, it was breathtaking.

"Can I mark you?" Felix nodded eagerly, his head empty and his heart ready to give up. It felt right.

He choked on a moan when he felt slight pain that kept growing on his collarbone.

Hyunjin sucked and nibbled softly, grazing his tongue from time to time feeling the younger shudder under him. He smirked moving to a different spot.

"Don't be shy, I want to hear you" he whispered next to his ear, the warm breath tickling his skin.

After leaving marks on Felix's neck and chest he trailed open mouthed kisses, putting pressure where the forming dark marks were.

Felix didn't want to give Hyunjin the satisfaction but he couldn't hold himself back, letting a groan pass his lips.

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