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The moment Hyunjin stepped on the ice he slipped, falling on his butt, a groan passing his lips before laughing.

Felix started laughing, slapping his thigh. He extended his hand, Hyunjin grabbing it but before he could properly get up someone bumped into Felix making him lose balance and fall.

Hyunjin wheezed, his back slamming into the ice as he kicked his legs while Felix was wiping his face of happy tears.

They were so clumsy on the ice it was hilarious.

"Okay boys. Up!" Changbin said, helping both males get up and holding Felix when he lost balance.

Chan sighed, watching the two males interlock their fingers and start skating on the ice.

He smiled, leaning against the railing. He was worried Felix would be in a bad mood considering his anxiety attack from a few hours ago but no— he was pretty happy. Enjoying every second spent with the members.

Zariyah walked next to him, two warm cups in her hand. She offered Chan one of the cups, the male taking it gladly.

He took a sip from it, humming at the sweet taste of the hot chocolate.

"Hyunjin and Felix look so happy when they are together" Zariyah muttered, looking at the cup in her hands, watching the steam slowly fade away in the cold air.

"Yeah. If one of them was drained, having the worst day ever, the second the other will enter the room he will be energetic and smiling like it's the last time he will ever see him."

Drowning down the whole drink and feeling his body buzz with warmness, Chan played with the cup smiling as he did so.

"They live each day together like it's their last—"

He crumbled the cup in his fist, turning his head to look at Zariyah. "That's what I really like about their weird relationship. No label, no fear and just love. Just like the kids, not worrying what will happen tomorrow. Just enjoying the moment"

Zariyah hummedd, smiling when she heard Felix's laugh, tracing her finger on the bottom of the cup. "That's beautiful" she sighed, throwing her cup in the bin behind them. "Still I expected them to act more... I don't know, show that they went through a dark period"

Chan shook his head, scoffing. "Does Felix give you the impression he grew up in an abusive house and that he has been killing people since he was 6 years old or Hyunjin living on the streets for 10 years while killing so he can make sure he will still be alive the next day?"

"Absolutely no."

"See. Then why would they show or act different from a small paragraph on the book when they have hundreds of pages behind more darker"

Zariyah shrugged, pursing her lips.

They sat in silence, watching the people in the rink skate around the big christmas tree, their voices fading away as the cold wind blew.

Chan sighed, realising how weird it was actually. Nine assassins lost in a crowd of thousands of people, trying to blend into the ordinary when they were actually oddinary. A wine stain on a white coat, different from the rest who were the same.

His eyes focused on a family. How the mother and father held their daughters hands, helping her learn to skate.

Everyone here had their own normal life, having mundane problems, stressing over the bills, tired of going to work, fed up by their coworkers and living the same day over and over again while Chan and the others were in a non-stop game. Each day coming with a harder challenge.

Worrying if they will make it out alive this time.

"What are you thinking about?" Zariyah asked, leaning her head on Chan's shoulder, her freezing hands in her pockets.

"How our lives are so different from everyone else around us. How we live our lives and how we went through others can't even have nightmares about"

"You know... everything happens for a reason"

"I know, but we didn't deserve to go through that when we were literally children, Zariyah. If Felix is in this state now at 23, how do you think children reacted to situations like this? I can't understand why we couldn't have a normal childhood, playing around with kids instead of making drugs, living on the streets and learning how to produce guns. What did we do wrong to deserve this?" Chan whispered, wrapping his hand around the woman's shoulder.

"I am asking myself the same question, Channie." She muttered, nuzzling closer to the older.

After a few moments of silence, Zariyah raised her head from Chan's shoulder and looked at him.

"We should live like Hyunjin and Felix. Stop worrying about tomorrow and live like it's our last day. I think it's more healthier and peaceful for both of our minds"

Chan nodded, pouting his lips. He should really try to live in the moment.

He was worrying too much for the future.


Hyunjin threw his head back, his laugh filling the air.

"Oh shut the fuck up" Felix muttered, rubbing his forehead where he bumped his head against the wall.

Sighing, Hyunjin smiled, his cheeks red from the cold, or because of Felix, and getting closer to the younger.

Cupping his cheeks, he kissed the male's forehead, letting his lips linger a little longer on the hurting part. "Now it will heal quickly" he muttered, kissing Felix's lips.

Felix hummed at the feeling. He grabbed Hyunjin's hand and started gliding on the ice, both smiling.

The younger looked at Hyunjin, remembering how the older taught him how to skate again a few months ago.

They were in the same positions. Hyunjin slid gracefully on the ice in front of Felix, holding both his hands, the same glint in his eyes as he looked at the younger.

"C'mon Yongbok, you can do it"

Felix smiled, blushing at the memory. "What are you thinking about?" Hyunjin asked, pulling Felix to the side of the rink. 

"The day when you taught me how to skate again" Felix said, leaning against the railing, looking at the snow on the ground.

Hyunjin hummed, resting his hand on the youngers shoulders and rubbing his arm to warm him up.

"We should go home, it's getting cold" Hyunjin muttered.


I started loving his soul before I could even touch his skin...

And honestly, I love and hate him.

I don't even know what to do anymore.

This is embarrassing but i had to get it out of my chest.

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