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Changbin groaned, cracking his bones. He got up from the table and looked at the knocked out male tied beside the electricity panel, chuckling lightly.

Making sure he turned off all the cameras in the building, he left the room, turning left. "All cameras are off, time to move bitches"

Hearing shuffles in the background, they started hearing sniffles and whimpers.

"Felix-" Jisung breathed out, looking shocked at Felix after the guard closed the door of the van "Thank you, Kai" Jisung muttered, the male nodding before taking out his gun.

"Oh my God, Felix. I- Wha- Shit" Jisung mumbled, taking a blanket and putting it carefully on the shaking male.

Resting his hands on the younger shoulder, Jisung took his hands off when he felt Felix flinch hard at the touch.

"Hyunjin" Felix muttered, tears running down his cheeks. Jisung opened his mouth, shocked at how different Felix looked.

He looked the same but so different—

His hair was so long, his dark roots reaching his cheekbones. Purple marks on his neck; dark bags under his eyes and Jesus Christ... the scar across his face.

Jisung gasped, covering his mouth in shock. "Jisung what is going on?" Minho said in a concerned voice.

Jisung opened his mouth but closed it, he couldn't find his words. "Felix got in the van-"

"Is he okay? He's the one crying?" Hyunjin huriedly said, his steps echoing in the empty hallway.

He checked a room, finding an empty bed and bloody walls. "He's... in one piece" Jisung responded, still staying slightly away from the vulnerable male.

"Hug him, I think a little slipped" "He flinches when I touch him, he wants you, Jin"

He stopped in his tracks, gulping slightly as the red lights of the alarm flashed in the room.  He was ready to turn around and run towards the car to take care of Felix.

Shit, it was more bad than he thought.

Get your shit together Hyunjin. Kill Chuldae.

For mom and dad.

For Felix.

"Give him my headphones, they're in my bag. Play some music, he'll calm down and fall asleep" Hyunjin muttered, biting the skin of his thumb as he started walking again, flinching slightly when he heard his lover's sniffles and whimpers.

It hurt him just hearing them. Just thinking about his teary face and shaky figure.

Slapping his cheek, he continued walking, sighing when he reached the meeting point.

Chan gave him a small smile while checking Jeongin's swords and belts. Zariyah arrived shortly after, huffing and cursing under her breath.

She held Hyunjin's shoulder for support as she took off her heels and threw them somewhere in the empty hallway. Sighing in satisfaction she took a step back, crouching down slightly and ripping her long dress at the side.

Jeongin gasped, looking at her confused "What are you do-" Zariyah got up, groaning and tying her hair in a bun, staring deeply at the maknae "Gotta prepare myself before beating some asses"

"What about the heels and dress! They're Gucci after all" Jeongin pointed at the sparkly heels, really offended by what the woman was doing.

His jaw dropped when Zariyah shrugged her shoulders, grabbing her breasts and moving the bra into a more comfortable angle. "I'll buy another one, now let's end this shit" she muttered, lifting her dress slightly to not step on it.

"I swear to god I'll rip this shit off me" she grumbled, snatching a knife from Hyunjin's belt and opening the door.

"Damn, she's really aggressive" Hyunjin whispered, hearing a hum from his ear bud. "I love her," Seungmin muttered.

Zariyah opened the door, a loud screeching sound echoing in the room.

"Hello, Dae. Long time no see" the woman said, smiling sickly sweet at the male sitting on the chair while twirling around the knife.

He squirmed around, trying to untie his hands and his words muffled by the gag on his mouth.

Seungmin placed his hand on the old man's shoulder, making him flinch. Leaning down, he smirked while looking at his brothers, "You can't escape us now," he whispered, making the male shake.

They didn't expect to see Chuldae tied to a chair, all his guards dead on the ground. Looking out the window, Zariyah spotted Changbin taking his sniper and walking away "Sneaky bitches"

Hyunjin cut the gag, staring disgusted at Chuldae. They looked so alike it made him sick in the stomach.

"Please Hyunjin, free me. Save your uncle" Chuldae begged, eyes wide in fear.

Hyunjin chuckled, grimacing as he heard Felix's shaky voice calling his name. Taking a sharp breath, he took out the syringe from his pocket, attaching the needle to it before smiling at his uncle.

"You're not my uncle, Chuldae. Not after what you did to our family." He whispered, turning around and making eye contact with Chan who was leaning against the door frame.

He nodded, his gaze soft.

"Where's Hyunho?" the taller asked, tilting his head while playing with the syringe.

The old male gulped, looking at the big needle in Hyunjin's hand, he had nothing to lose if he negotiated. "Promise you'll free me if I tell you"

Hyunjin smiled at him, nodding his head. "I swear" "Then put the syringe down"

Hyunjin did as told, dropping the syringe, looking boredly at the male. With a deep breath, Chuldae looked around the room before opening his mouth.

"Floor 5 second room on the right"

"Thank you." Hyunjin smirked, his hand grabbing his uncle's throat and squeezing hard.

He didn't know from where he got all that strength. Perhaps hearing Felix's quiet sounds made him stronger.

Chuldae started gasping, opening and closing his mouth like a fish. "You pro- mised"

Seungmin gave the taller the syringe, Hyunjin pouting slightly "Ops, my bad uncle. After all we're from the same blood" he muttered before stabbing the needle in the old man's throat, letting the poison enter his body.

"Enjoy your death" he said, letting him go before turning around and leaving the room.

He sighed after hearing a painful scream echo in the hallways along with a "Help!"

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