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TW: mentions of self harm.
Some actions in this chapter may be triggering for you. If you feel uncomfortable, please skip. Thank you

Saying they had a lot of fun was an understanding.

Zariyah and Hyunjin managed to distract Felix and all three of them enjoyed their time together doing face masks, gossiping and bickering while drinking a few glasses of champagne.

It really helped Felix calm down.

Zariyah had her way of lifting the tension. It was something only she could do.

Perhaps it was because of her cheeky grins, sarcastic words or just her aura but she put the males at ease.

The entire afternoon they created a bond, starting to enjoy the other's presence. Both males looked up to the woman, seeing her as their older sister which was too scarily comforting.

In the evening, during dinner, Minho announced that later that night they will fly to Australia and sleep during the flight to be fresh in the morning and Felix didn't take that good at all. His body was tense and his appetite was long gone but Hyunjin made sure he at least ate something to fill his stomach and prepared him a bath to help him relax the slightest.

It didn't help at all.

The soft massages on his shoulder and scalp didn't help, the citrusy smell of Hunjin's shampoo didn't help. Nothing helped. Not even the weed he usually smoked.

Chain wasn't in the greatest state either. Perhaps he didn't show it but his movements and actions spoke louder. The constant tap and bouncing of his legs, the random shaky breaths and brutality of his words stated the obvious.

Hyunjin was helpless and that bothered him more than he thought it would.

They were currently in the plane, three hours already went by the flash as everyone slept comfortably with their partner.

Hyunjin shifted, tapping softly around the bed to find Felix's body and hug him close but he shot up from the bed when he felt the cold sheets under his palm. Instant worry filled his stomach, making a lump rise in his throat.

Where is Felix?

Fuck— what if he jumped off the plane?

Slapping his cheeks, he took a deep breath "Chill, he won't do that" he muttered to himself, going down the hallway and checking each room to see if Felix was there but he only found the members sleeping peacefully. "Fuck, where are you Felix?" he whispered, biting his nails anxiously.

Reaching the end of the hallway he saw the light of the bathroom peaking slightly from under the door. Trying to calm his nerves down, "Felix?" he knocked and relaxed when he heard Felix hum.

Thank fucking God.

He opened the door slightly but Felix slammed it. "Wha— Felix are you okay?" Hyunjin asked worriedly, different scenarios flashing in his mind. "Y-yeah, just go back to sleep," he said, his voice shaky.

Hyunjin exhaled, resting his forehead against the door and shaking his head like Felix could see him "I am not going anywhere, I know you're not okay"

"Don't worry, I am okay"

"No, you're not"



Felix groaned in frustration and slammed his fist against the door "I said I am okay, Hwang. Leave me alone" he snapped, his voice being more aggressive, making Hyunjin flinch."Please " Felix muttered, his voice softening.

Hyunjin heard a thud, making all alarms in his body go off.

Something wasn't right.

Felix never acted like that, only at first when they moved together— and even then, it was Chain who was this aggressive.

"Yongbok, open the fucking door, for fuck's sake!" Hyunjin rasped out, trying to open the door but failing.

He couldn't knock or raise his voice, the others would wake up and then the shit show would start.

He tried to open it again but failed, starting to get angry. Angry at himself for not trying harder to help Felix.

"I'm going to break it," he warned, anger clearly being heard in his voice.

He waited a few moments when he heard a soft click and the door creaked open. He peeked his head inside the bathroom, looking around to find Felix. After he stepped inside it and closed the door, his knees wobbled at the state of Felix remembering so clearly that night 5 years ago where he found him almost dead in his bathroom.

He was sitting on the floor in the corner of the bathroom, blood running down his wrists in a small pool. "Happy now?" Felix asked, the dried tears on his cheeks still visible.

Hyunjin sighed, wetting a towel and crouching down in front of Felix. "You could have woken me up" he said, taking Felix's hand but the younger pulled away. "I was too stressed. I needed to relieve the pressure and Chain kept messing with me. Don't be mad, please"

Hyunjin shook his head and tried to hold Felix's hand again. "I am not, pretty boy. I understand why you did this. I want to help you in any way I can but please talk with me, okay? I won't be mad and I won't do anything to hurt you."

Felix's body slid a little down on the floor, trying to make himself as small as possible "I don't want to bother you, I'm already too much to handle." Hyunjin stared at Felix and cupped his cheeks "You will never be too much. I love you for multiple reasons and I want to be beside you, good or bad, I don't care, so stop thinking negatively"

"I'm sorry—" Hyunjin cut Felix off with a kiss on his lips "Shut up" he muttered between kisses, pressing his lips harder against the younger's. "Let's clean you up" Felix nodded, biting his lower lip.

I don't deserve you.

I truly don't.

"I need to have a talk with Chain about this, he's in big trouble. I don't like the way he is behaving lately" he muttered, holding Felix's wrists and gently wiping the blood. His stomach dropped as he saw the depth of the cuts, grimacing when Felix hissed in pain.

Chain, that little fucker.

Hyunjin cleaned the wounds with betadine and wrapped them softly, leaving feather kisses on the bandages.

Lately they wrap each other's wounds too frequently.

"How much are we going to stay there?" Felix asked after Hyunjin cleaned the bathroom. "We will have a meeting where we will discuss the plans and then go straight to save Mr. Gyeol's family"

Felix nodded, nibbling his lip "And in the moment we finish we will come back here" Hyunjin said, wrapping his arms around the younger's waist and pulling him against his chest. "Okay" Felix muttered softly, running his hands through Hyunjin's messy hair. "I'm just so anxious about all this"

Hyunjin hummed, kissing Felix's neck where the hickeys were still visible. "I know, baby, I am too but it will be okay, I promise. I won't leave your side"

Felix smiled sadly, wrapping his arms around the males neck "I love you" he whispered, his smile brightening when Hyunjin blushed and hid his face in the crook of the younger's neck.

A star, two stars. Felix thought, just like Bokie used to whisper when things were too hard.


I love how much foreshadowing was in the last 4 chapters and nobody saw it

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