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"I will never get on a plane with you again" Zariyah muttered, sprinting out the plane and sighing when she stepped on the ground, ready to kiss it.

She did not expect that flying with 7 assassins/mobsters would cause such chaos. Jesus, she was ready to jump off the window.

From Changbin and Seungmin fucking in the bathroom to Minho chasing Hyunjin with tissues, both screaming on top of their lungs; Jisung laughing his ass off and falling off the couch, hurting his almost healed back and Jeongchan playing uno and almost fighting.

"Just wait until we get Felix back. Chain is worse than all of us" Seungmin said, taking his bag and throwing it over his shoulder to carry it more easily.

Zariyah made the cross sign looking up at the sky "May the Lord forgive me for all my sins"

Chan stepped out of the plane, inhaling deeply and smiling slightly. He was home.

But it didn't feel like home anymore.

All he could see was blood, fire and darkness; a little child crying while he was loading guns and his mother holding a whip by her side watching him.

Goosebumps rose on his skin, opening his eyes he looked around spotting Jeongin, he walked towards him, taking his bags and getting into the van.

A heavy feeling settled over him watching the males get into the van. He looked at Hyunjin through the rear mirror, pursing his lips.

He looked drained, tiredness radiationg off him but the man was shaking with energy.

When Minho finally took a seat beside Chan he turned around, staring intently at everyone in the car.

"Today we're resting. Tomorrow we're putting the plan in action—" he started intently at Changbin and Seungmin "no fucking, please. I don't want a limping person or complains of how tired you are. You had enough in the plane"

Seungmin smirked, tilting his head and making eye contact with Minho "But what if I want to show my love to my boyfriend?" "Then show it differently. Just for today please, we need to be as prepared as possible for tomorrow"

"Fine" Seungmin muttered, rolling his eyes and looking out the window.

"Stop sulking, Min. We'll do other things" Changbin whispered, smirking as he thought about what he could do to tease his boyfriend.

"Sungie, are you sure you can still do your part? Considering you hurt your back, again?" Jisung nodded, flashing a cute smile to Minho while munching on some snacks, making the older melt.

"Okay. Hyunjin, please try and sleep, you're the main here." The latter nodded slowly, resting his head against the seat. Chan threw him a little container, Hyunjin catching it. Looking at it he hummed muttering a small "Thanks".

And here we go again. Sleeping pills.

Minho finished his speech making Chan sigh in relief and starting the car.

They listened to the music playing on the radio, Jisung and Changbin singing the most random parts of the most random songs, everyone enjoying the little light mood in the car.

They needed it. A little light in this pit of darkness.

Everyone knew they would get Felix back but a little fear still was lingering around. What if they don't make it on time? What if he's dead? Or what if they lose again?

Hyunjin looked out the window, watching the dark clouds. It started raining softly, the drops of water randomly sliding down the window, usually meeting at one point.

He emphasised the rain, it was like him in the current state, unaware of where to flow yet continuing to do so.

It hurt him, thinking in what state Felix was, and what he was doing perhaps in this moment. A wave of jealousy washed over him, thinking of how many women and men he touched, or kissed.

Slapping his cheek softly he shook his head.

Don't be a jerk. He is doing those things because he is forced to do it, he doesn't have a choice.

Man up Hyunjin. Felix is uncomfortable doing those things with strangers.

He checked the time, sighing when he saw it was already 9 pm. Looking at the container, he played with the lid debating if he should take a pill or not.

He started sleeping now, but the nightmares were haunting him. Imagines of Chuldae killing his father and Felix flashed in his mind, shivers running down his spine.

Should he sleep and be woken up by a nightmare or not sleep at all?

He'll be more tired if he doesn't sleep.

Sleep... sounded really appealing right now.

Fuck it.

Taking two pills, he swallowed them with some water, wiping his mouth after.

He hopes he'll get at least a few hours of sleep.


Hello my dears.

Please ignore any mistakes in the chapter, I wrote it as fast as I could in my 20 min break 😭. (I'm at the orchestra rehearsals)

This week was horrific, I was really busy. I was supposed to update yesterday but I fell asleep literally when I touched the sheets (I had a concert with the orchestra right after I finished classes)

But in the next weeks I will be more free so I'll update, I hope, more often.

Stay safe!


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