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*2 months later*

These two months were hell for the 8 men. Full of traumatising and horrible things.

They were still in America. How could they leave when Felix was still somewhere in that country?

I mean... they hoped Chuldae kept him in America.

Let's start with the boss, Minho.

Crying every night beside Jisung in a hospital room for over a month, blaming himself because the love of his life ended up without an eye and being in a coma. And being stressed all day trying to find Chuldae while trying to keep everything stable like the construction of their building, the underground and so on.

Anxiety was eating him alive every time he got an unknown call, thinking it was from the hospital with bad news or Chuldae.

He started getting more sleep at night after Jisung woke up but still seeing the boy so weak mentally, tired him. Having to take care of himself ,his boyfriend and the whole syndicate but thankfully Chan was there to help him as much as he could.

But the most tiring part was flying from America to Korea almost every week, needing to attend meetings and build his empire when the base of it was collapsing.

Chan and Jeongin would take care of Jisung while Minho was away, helping him as much as they could. His eye and his ribs just started healing. It was still hard for him to get up or walk properly, the doctors said he had a fissure on his spine. Amazing right?

Jisung kept hurting himself by trying to do everything on his own, feeling like a burden to everyone. They had to keep an eye on every move he made, making him food and helping him clean and wrap his wounds.

If that wasn't enough, he felt like shit because he couldn't wear a prosthetic because he doesn't have an eyeball. He felt ugly, useless, pathetic.

"You know, you would look so badass with a leather eye patch," Changbin said randomly, resting his feet on the table.

Jisung scoffed, crossing his arms. Today it was Changbin's turn to watch over him.

Currently they are in the living room, waiting for Seungmin to wash the dishes (he lost rock paper scissors) so they can watch a movie. "Don't try to make me feel better, it's to no use" Jisung said sadly, picking his cuticles

"Like for real now" he said, getting up. Jisung ignored it, shifting in the armchair and hissing at the slight pain. Taking his phone he checked the notifications, seeing a few messages from Chan and Minho.

Hey, how are you feeling? Just got on the plane, see you in the morning.
I love you
Sent 8:49

Jisung answered his text, sighing after it. He wanted to cuddle with Minho right now, hiding in his chest and forgetting about everything.

He felt a pang in his chest, thinking What if he leaves me because of my injury? Slapping his cheeks he shook his head, ignoring the thought.

He checked Chan's text, biting his lip and looking towards the door to Hyunjin's bedroom.


Hey Sung, Hwa took this photo and I thought I should send it to you :) So, what's up?Did Innie get there? He told me he's on his way to go check on the big baby

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Hey Sung, Hwa took this photo and I thought I should send it to you :) So, what's up?
Did Innie get there? He told me he's on his way to go check on the big baby.
Speaking of him, did Hyunjin eat? How is he?
Sent 9:20

First child 🐿️
Ready to watch a movie with the horny dogs, hbu?
Jeongin didn't get here yet and no... Jin didn't come out of his room since the morning I think.
Love the pic btw ;)
Sent 9:24

Changbin walked in the room again, now with something black in his hand while Seungmin placed a bowl of popcorn on the table along with some sodas and placed another bowl in Jisung's lap. "Thanks"

"The fuck did you got there?" Seungmin asked, throwing himself on the couch, sighing in satisfaction. "An eye patch," Changbin said, leaning down and putting it on Jisung. He slapped softly his arm "Stop moving, I want to see how you'll looks with it for fucks shake"

Jisung huffed annoyed, sitting still and flinching when he felt the cold leather on his skin. "Did you take down the bandage?" Changbin shook his head, tying the eye patch.

He smiled when he looked at Jisung, drawing Seungmin's attention "He looks good with it, doesn't he?"

Seungmin stopped munching the popcorn, raising his eyebrows. "Actually it looks really good on him what the fuck"

Changbin chuckled when Jisung opened the camera on his phone and his eye widened.

It looks kinda okay.

Would Minho like how it looks?

Will he be more disgusted by it?

Perhaps people will think I am crazy for wearing this.

"Han," Changbin said, holding the younger by his shoulders. "It looks good, and you look good with or without the eye patch okay? There's nothing to worry about. Minho still loves you and we do too. These are battle scars, we all got them"

Jisung pursed his lips, touching the eye patch feeling the cold leather against his fingers. "At least you don't have them on your face"

Seungmin sighed, putting the popcorn on the table. "Do you believe me if I tell you I want a scar across my face so bad?" "You're crazy," Jisung said, chuckling breathily. "I know—" Seungmin shrugged. "But what if I am crazy? We all are. And believe me or not sometimes I wish I was in your place, I would look so badass with that shit on my face while slicing someone's throat because they insulted me for it"

Changbin nodded, trying to support his partner and best friend even if it didn't make sense. "So tiddies up, you look cool and believe me, all mobsters will compliment you or fear you because of it"

Changbin nodded again, humming. "Now can we watch the movie? I almost finished the popcorn" Jisung hummed, pushing Changbin slightly so he could move.

Does he look that good with the eye patch? Or were they lying just to make him feel better?

Seungmin always tells the truth, he doesn't bother to lie.

The movie started, all three of them being so focused that they didn't hear Jeongin enter the house.

"What are you watching?" he asked from behind them, all flinching and screaming, Seungmin cursing as he looked at the younger.

"Fuck you"

"Hey, only me!" "Jeez"

"The noon" Jisung muttered, trying to put the bowl on the table but he felt a jolt of pain go up his spine. Changbin grabbed the bowl and threw it on the table, pushing Jisung back on the armchair. "What did I tell you about bending and stretching?" "To not do it"

"Did Hyunjin eat?" All of them shook their heads making the maknae sigh. He walked in the kitchen and warmed the food while listening to Changbin and Jisung bicker.

They heard a loud noise coming from the end of the hall, all already knowing who caused it.

"Gotta check the adult baby. By the way, you slay with that thing over your eye"  Jeongin said, taking the plate from the microwave and walking towards Hyunjin's room.

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