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Hyunjin whistled, making Felix turn around and look at him. He motioned for him to come where he was and the younger obeyed. "Ayo, squirrel, cat. You two too"

Without saying anything, Hyunjin gave Felix the confetti tubes he made by himself. "You should pop them, fuck knows what you put there"

Felix chuckled, taking the tubes and giving Minho and Jisung one to each other. "I put nitrogen, idiot. If you turn the catch to undo the stopper the nitrogen will be compressed. It's not a fucking bomb, Hwang, just confetti"

Hyunjin grimaced and stepped back, covering his ears. Felix rubbed his back, understanding that the black haired is scared of loud sounds.

They waited at the door, the music being at its peak and Felix kept dancing in his spot making Seungmin groan. "Stop dancing, Lee. Or I will tie you against the solar panel from the roof"

Felix smirked and winked at Seungmin, making the younger of the two throw a glass of beer towards him. Felix took a step to the right, the bottle missing him. "Bitch" "Just yours" Felix sang.

Hyunjin's heart was beating in his throat. But he didn't know if it was beating that hard and fast because of the upcoming loud sounds or the way Felix looked so divine with his arm muscles flexing as he turned around the catch, how he frowned and the cigarette he was smoking hung between his soft lips, the glitter on his face making him glow in the lights.

Changbin entered the club, screaming when Seungmin threw a cake in his face and confetti was flying around him.

"Happy Birthday bitch!" Jisung screamed, hugging Changbin tightly, making the short boy wheeze at the lack of air. He patted the younger's back but they fell, hitting the hard floor with a thud, all of them jumping over the poor celebrated, screaming 'Happy birthday' like some drugged persons.

I mean, they were but still—

Changbin groaned, trying to breathe but failing. Those fuckers were too heavy. "Okay kids, get up. The old man will die if we keep staying like this"

They all got up, Chan helping Changbin and patting his back harshly before shaking him. "You're already 23. Oh my God, I will start crying" Chan fanned his face with his hand, pursing his lips and looking at the ceiling..

Jeongin slapped his ass and dragged him to the dance floor. "Do you want me to give you another reason to cry?" Jeongin screamed over the loud music, jumping along the beat.

Chan licked his lips before placing his hands on the maknae's waist and turning him around, his chest pressed firmly to the boy's back. "Later, princess" he whispered next to Jeongin's ear, swinging their hips along the music, ignoring the gagging sounds Minho and Felix made.

Jisung was resting on the couch, a cloud of smoke floating above him before disappearing. He stared at it, putting the cigarette between his lips before inhaling again the smoke and exhaling it in small circles.

Minho licked his lips, staring at his boyfriend, leaning against the wall and calmly drinking his scotch.

He enjoyed the view.

He smiled after Jisung started swinging his feet, his knees resting on the end of the couch and his small but muscular upper body lying beautiful on the soft material of the cushion.

Seungmin dragged his finger over Changbin's face before licking his finger clean off the cake. "At least it's sweet," he shrugged, making Changbin roll his eyes. "So I am sweet?" Seungmin shook his head. Changbin opened his mouth but Seungmin put his finger with cake in it, making the shorter shut up.

"Everyone in this club is so gay" Jeongin muttered, looking around. Everyone in there was queer, making out, dancing, drinking and smoking with the same gender. And that gave Jeongin a feeling of comfort.

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