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Staring at the wall, Felix counted the lines scratched on the old bricks, his breath hitching. It's already been three months and 2 weeks since he was dragged into this hell.

It was the beginning of November, which was shocking for Felix. He didn't even realise how fast time went.

I mean... he usually was in front only when he was in his cell (the mornings) and the rest of the time was just passing like a blink of an eye thanks to Chain.

He sighed, laying on the bed, which started being more comfortable as the days passed by. He played with the red ribbon, feeling the soft fabric on his fingertips.

He smiled looking at it, remembering how he forgot to tie it on Hyunjin's hair in the van before the 'mission'.

Before all this shit happened.

Since he found the ribbon in his pocket he kept it safe under his cold pillow but recently he started tying his hair with it. His hair has gotten longer since no one bothered to give him proper care, only throwing water with a bucket to 'wash' him.

And thanks to that special piece of fabric he gained a lot of money, making him look more 'cute'.

It was really disgusting, but what could he do?

Just to play along.

He had a plan to escape, but first he needed the boss's trust— or better said, info.

Today was a more harsh day. It was too quiet...

No voices. No crying littles. Nothing.

Only himself and his own thoughts.

Are they still searching? Or they forgot about me?

I was of no use anyway.

And just like that the negative thoughts started. Questioning himself why the males were his friends. Why did Hyunjin love him?

Felix, stop. You're just hurting yourself more.

Ignoring Bokie's voice, Felix felt himself starting to tremble and cry. Everything was too much.

He needed a hug. Just to feel safe for a few moments in someone's arms and to be told everything will be okay.

It was not fair. At all.

A star two starts. In and out.

Bringing the ribbon close to his chest, he held it tightly in his trembling fists, closing his eyes and breathing shakily.

He knew for sure they would not come to save him. He was already forgotten.

Chain forced himself in front, being co-conscious with Felix. He started petting his own head, sighing in tiredness. "He will get us out of here, Yongbok. Just wait a little longer" Chain whispered, closing his eyes.

He never thought he would have faith in Hyunjin, out of all people. But now— he knew they, especially him, were searching for him. He felt it.

But why did he comfort Felix? He didn't care at all. Was Felix too annoyed so he needed to be shutted up? No... Chain would have told him to shut his mouth.

What was happening with them?


He laughed at Minho when he packed Jisung's things before flying to America. Oh Lord now he felt bad because he wasn't better.

Packing Felix's things felt... suffocating. All the good and happy memories flashing in his mind as he folded the clothes, the blonde's scent lingering around the room.

It was hard... Jesus, he would jump off a cliff than do this.

It felt like a wire full of small blades was being pulled out his chest so slowly he felt all the small movements and scratches.

It hurt too much even though he was packing all those things to get Felix back from his 'uncle'. So after a few more minutes he found himself in his bed, hugging Brownie while Zariyah packed the bag and complained about Hyunjin's lack of balls.

"Jesus man, be a macho and throw the clothes in. We're packing so we can get him back not to bury his body" Zariyah muttered, taking everything and throwing it in the bag. "Let me be" "Still I have the right to complain!"

After the awkward meeting they started getting along, forming a weird but beautiful friendship.

She would listen for hours to Hyunjin rant about Felix, he would listen to her about how it was chasing Chuldae. They had the most deep conversations a human could have and Hyunjin felt thankful he found her.

She was really something else.

They both stayed up nights trying to find out where they kept Felix and how they would get him out of there. After some time Minho and Seungmin joined them too.

The room would be full of empty mugs, a little coffee remaining at the bottom of the porcelain vase, papers splattered everywhere and boards full of notes.

It was a total mess, but they did it.

They had the perfect plan to kill the motherfucker and get Felix back. And it was the most easy and random plan they would ever do.

But before they could get into action they had to fly in Australia which took 18+ hours...

Chan prayed the plane would not crash.

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