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TW: self harm, graphics.

If any action in this chapter may trigger you or makes you feel uncomfortable, please don't read it. Thank you

Sighing at the stinging feeling, his back rested against the door, sliding down on the cold floor of the bathroom.

The warm liquid flowed softly down his skin, staining the white tiles.

This was the only way everything would be better, peaceful.

He traced shapes with the blood on the floor, silent tears running down his cheeks as the voices screamed at him.

Useless. You keep worrying every one, why can't you just hide everything and pretend to be like everyone else.

You're fat, just stop eating. You look disgusting.


Just end it, you bother them.


Taking the blade, he started cutting again, punishing himself.

All his sins and mistakes, dripping down his wrists, in a pretty crimson red.

Why am I like this? Why is everyone perfect and I am this failure?


Hissing at the pain, he pressed the blade deeper into his skin, blood running down his wrists uncontrollably.

Feeling dizzy, he smiled.

Maybe this time he will finally end it.

Good job, idiot. Took you long enough.

Nobody will save you now.

Nobody cares.

His body collapsed on the cold floor, the cold tears mixing with the blood.

The door bursts open, someone rushing inside. "Yongbok?" he shouted, anxiety making his stomach turn and a lump forming in his throat.

"Fuck fuck fuck" he said as he saw the boy lying on the floor, his skin paler that the tiles and blood dripping from his wrists.

He ripped his shirt using it to put pressure to stop the blood and tied the soft material tight on the wounds, picking him up.

His heart broke hearing the small gasps of air from the small boy, smiling as his eyes were half closed. He looked down, seeing blood staining his stomach. Raising slightly the shirt, he saw the blade in the boy's stomach, small drops of blood sliding down the white skin.

He frowned when he saw the drawings on the floor.

Stars and a moon.

"Please don't leave, Bokie. You're the only one I have left"

He started running down the halls, darkness surrounding them, putting pressure on the boy's stomach.

He was scared.

"Stay with me"

"I can see the stars" Felix smiled, raising his shaky hand and touching Hyunjin's cheek.

"Please, don't leave" a tear rolled down his cheek, touching Felix's finger as the hand fell on the boy's chest.

"I love you" his cries filled the deserted hallways, running faster with all his power.

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