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He leaned forward, looking down at the waves crashing against each other.

"Please get down," Hyunjin said softly, his hands shaking.

"You don't know how many things you will miss. You still need to experience happiness, peace, love" The boy shook his head, a sob escaping his lips. Tears were running down his puffy cheeks.

"I have nothing left, stranger. I don't believe in peace— love" he scoffed, "happiness was something I just heard of. Dreamt about it. Something I wished for a long time"

His grip loosened, he leaned more. Hyunjin took a step forward, ready to catch the boy if he fell.

"Maybe this is my destiny. My miserable story. I am tired of it, you now" the boy mumbled, looking at Hyunjin.

His eyes were numb... empty.

Let me show you that sometimes even miserably stories turn good, perfect.

He wiped the tears away, inhaling deeply, looking for the last time at Hyunjin. "See you in the next chapter" he whispered, taking his hands off the railing. "No!" Hyunjin screamed, running towards the falling boy.

"Yongbok!" he whispered, his body trembling.


"Yongbok," Hyunjin said, jolting up. He realised he was in his room and snapped his head to his side, seeing Felix sleeping peacefully.

He wiped his sweaty forehead, running a hand through his hair. He dreamed again of that night... The one haunting him almost every night for 5 years.

Leaning down, he kissed the boy's forehead, making him turn around and snuggle closer to the bear.

After that night, Felix and Hyunjin slept together with the bear. All three cuddled together. It was now a rule, no sleep until Felix wasn't cuddling Brownie. Yep— he named the bear Brownie...

Hyunjin started thinking Felix will leave him for Brownie. Even the bear got a goodnight kiss but not Hyunjin.

After hours, the sun finally rose. Hyunjin was humming a song, smiling softly as he caressed the canvas with the brush.

The light was perfect. Soft rays of sun warming the males freckles cheek, making his skin look like honey. The white sheets covered his legs and lower abdomen, his abs looking so strong and amazing in his current position. His chest was rising and falling softly with every deep breath, his nose scrunching from time to time.

Hyunjin was sitting in front of the bed, looking like a god. Shirtless, his hair tied in a messy bun, a brush behind his ear as he tucked some strands of black hair behind his ear, concentrating on painting Felix sleeping.

The birds chirped outside, somewhere afar. He sighed hearing again Minho and Jisung fighting, their voices muffled.

I hope it is not something bad.

He flinched, hearing a door slam. "Jesus Christ, those two" he muttered, rubbing his temple.

Felix whined, his hand searching for a warm body beside him. He frowned when he felt the cold sheets. He smiled when he felt Hyunjin crawl in the bed, laying on top of him, hugging his waist and resting his head on his chest.

The younger groaned, caressing Hyunjin's hair, pouting his lips. Hyunjin chuckled, kissing the pout before snuggling closer to the younger.


"Stop acting so fucking childish, Jisung, and tell me what the fuck is wrong!" Minho raised his voice, leaving the room following Jisung, who was carrying a bag with some clothes, down the hall.

Jisung stopped walking and turned around, staring at Minho. "I am tired of this, Minho. We keep fighting and for what?" Minho opened his mouth. "Shut up and listen to me" Jisung said, making the older purse his lips and staring at him with his scary face.

"We should take a break for a few days. I need some space and so do you. You're stressed with the trip to New York and I understand you, but you need to chill man"

Minho tapped his foot, biting his inner cheek. "Are you tired of me? Am I annoying?" his voice broke, his eyes turning glossy.

He felt scared, maybe Jisung wanted them to break up. Maybe he was not good enough.

Jisung's eyes softened, walking towards Minho and cupping his cheeks, wiping the only tear that rolled down his cheek.

"No, baby. I will never. You just need some time alone and so do I. Just some days, okay?" Jisung whispered, analysing the males face.

Every time he looked at Minho's face he asked himself how could that man look so beautiful.

Minho nodded, sniffling. "Please don't leave," he said, placing his hand over Jisung's. "I will not. Never, I promise" The younger shook his head, pecking the older lips before letting go.

"I am sorry for acting the way I did. Just rest, okay? I will be in Jeju the rest of the week to finish the weapons"

Minho nodded again, his head hanging down. "Okay" he muttered, scratching his leg.

Jisung took his hand, stopping him from hurting himself, squeezing it softly before letting go and walking in the elevator.


Hello my dears.

How are you?

I wrote a song that will be out at the end of the summer, or in the autumn. It is called 'Glass and stone' and I am so proud, amazed of myself because I wrote it and that my bestfriend will sing it.. and I want to say that I am overwhelmed 😭 i don't know what to do with my life anymore...

I hope you're feeling okay.

Stay safe!



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