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As Hyunjin and Felix left, Minho and Jisung were almost fucking each other on the couch, kissing for dear life and for once, Chan thanked all the saints that the music was at it's peak. He couldn't hear their sounds.

Hormonal children.

Changbin and Seungmin never returned back and Chan for once, again, felt proud that those two finally, finally, hooked up.

It was about time.

He started looking around the room, trying to spot his drunk maknae. He chuckled when he saw him with a juice box in his hand, sipping happy from the pink straw and dancing with Yeosang.

He walked behind the boy, snatching the box from his hands and taking a sip. He sent a glare towards a smirking San before throwing the box at him. Wooyoung started laughing but stopped when he got a slap on the back of his head.

Jeongin whined, turning around with a pout. His eyes were shining and Chan asked himself, was it from the vodka or that's how the stars reflect in the black orbs?

Jeongin punched his chest "Can't drink my juice happily because you need to take it. I'm going to cut your throat Bang" "As much as I desire it, fox, we are too drunk to even walk" he said, tying Jeongin's hair in a little tail on the top of his head to make sure it didn't enter his eyes, making the younger stop hitting him.

He looked like a little girl with a cute palm tail.

"C'mon princess, time to go" "Do I get kisses?" "Yes you will" "And cuddles?" "Mhm"

"Good evening, sir" Hongjoong smirked, smiling when he saw Jeongin. "Look at this cute little thing, I want to eat you"

"C-Chan. He wants to eat me!" Jeongin screamed, jumping in Chan's arms. Both elders started laughing. "You should go take care of Seonghwa, he is ready to kill Jisung— or Minho"

Hongjoong rolled his eyes, nodding his head before turning around and going to take care of his man.

Chan laughed, patting Jeongin's ass and entering the elevator, Jeongin pressing the third button.

As they stayed in silence in the elevator they stared at each other. Jeongin bopped Chan's nose, starting to giggle cutely, making the older blush.

He took a picture of Jeongin being a giggling mess and then he took a selfie. His flushed face in the right corner and in the mirrored wall being seen the maknae clinging to the muscular body and his head resting on Chan's shoulder as Jeongin hugged his neck loosely.

They stepped out of the elevator, Chan fishing the key in his pocket.

Fucking leather pants.

After he found it, he entered the room and placed Jeongin on the bed. They helped each other change their clothes before jumping in the bed. "I want my kisses and cuddles" Jeongin pouted and motioned with grabby hands at Chan.

Chan smiled, pecking multiple times Jeongin's lips before opening his arms for the younger. Jeongin clicked his tongue, grabbing Chan's arms and pulling the older in his chest.

Chan didn't comment, he liked this.

He nuzzled his face in the boy's chest, loving the feeling of the younger's arms around his body.

He felt safe.


Both were laying on the floor, looking up at the stars.

"Zoobie zoobie zuuu" Felix sang an elevator song, swinging his head and feet along the beat in his mind.

Hyunjin chuckled, looking at Felix "You say it wrong. It's Zou bisou bisou" he sang for the boy, laughing when Felix stared at him with a bitchy resting face.

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