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TW: explicit content. Mentions of SA, violence, SH, death and drugs.
This chapter may be triggering for some people. Please skip it or read at your own risk.

*2 days after Felix was kidnapped*

His eyes fluttered open, vision blurry.

Starting to regain consciousness, Felix winced when he felt the chains around his wrists cut his skin slowly.

Looking up, he saw his arms tied in thick silver chains that were hanging from the ceiling. His arms were slightly trembling from keeping them up so much.

"What the-" he mumbled, pulling at the chains trying to take them off. His face scrunched up in pain when he felt a sharp pain on his side.

Great, now he remembered he was hurt and also kidnapped.

What a day to be alive.

Looking around he realised he was in a dark room, between the bricks little plants were growing giving a little life to the room, the air humid. He was in a basement.


Is he okay?


Okay, Felix. Calm down, we got this; Bokie reassured Felix, the male nodding and thinking how to escape.

Olivia and Rachel.

Were they okay?

Trying to find something in the room, he spotted a little window, steel bars covering the glass.

If he could untie his hands and get out through that little window.

Squirming around and pulling at the chains for a few minutes, he stopped, breathing heavily and biting his lip in frustration.

God damn it.

He doesn't have any solutions than to wait for Chuldae.

I'm scared.

I want Jinnie.

Felix closed his eyes, trying to push the little back. He could get more traumatised than before if he was in front.

The whole system was alerted. Bokie, the protector, tried to get in front but Felix pushed her back. "Wait until the fucker gets here" he muttered, hering Boke answer back with an 'okay'.

So he sat there, hands tied over his head, his body shivering at the cold— they took off his shirt— and thinking.

About Hyunjin and the others, of his sisters.

Too lost in his own mind, he didn't hear the steps approaching him.

Bokie kept reassuring Felix, or more herself, Felix muttering the words while dissociating.

"Well hello, cutie" a raspy voice echoed in the room.

Flinching, Felix looked at the dark corner of the room, goosebumps raising on his skin.

He grimaced hearing the nickname, pulling again at the chains. "Where's Chuldae?" Felix asked, his voice getting more deep.

Great, Chain was around ready to fuck the situation up more than he already did.

"Stay where you are, Chain" he muttered to himself, looking at the ground.

"He's doing his own shit. Forget about him, he's to no use" the male said, chuckling when Felix kept muttering to himself.

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