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"Minho, Chan" Hyunjin he pulled them aside. "Something wrong?" Minho furrowed his eyebrow and Chan became concerned.

"Can you make an exception this time and not put Yongbok to work?" Confusion was written on the male's faces. They didn't understand what Hyunjin was trying to say.

"By working, you refer to the lab?" Chan asked. Hyunjin nodded "Yes, and the basement"

Minho sighed, pursing his lips. "Jin, you know we need him. He's the only one that can pull out the answers from the victims"

Chan's gaze kept moving from Minho to Hyunjin. "Why can't you put Jeongin to hypnotise them or something?" "I don't want him down there" Chan crossed his hands in front of his chest. "Oh but it doesn't bother you that your best friend, brother, is 'down there' hm?"

"He enjoys torturing so of course we gave him that job" Minho muttered, resting his shoulder against the wall

Hyunjin raised his eyebrow, taking a step forward and the two men one back. "Are you fucking blind? That basement it's like a fucking prison for him, but Chan, you already know that. Trust me, it's amazing to torture and kill people everyday but it rots you after a while. And the lab? He doesn't sleep so he could do all the shit you give him"

"Yes, I know—" "And none of you, nobody, goes down there for two fucking minutes to see if he is okay, if he ate or if he is tired. Believe me Minho, you feel amazing staying in a fucking chair all day, speaking at the phone and in silence but he doesn't have 1 second of peace because you keep overworking him. So please excuse me if I ask for this."

Chan put a hand on Hyunjin's shoulder, trying to calm him down. Hyunjin bit his lip and cracked his neck. "If you touch me again, I will chop your arm off," he said through gritted teeth.

Minho nodded, thinking about it. "Fine, I will take Seungmin and Jeongin—" Chan opened his mouth to protest but Minho sent him a glare and pointed to Hyunjin "He's right. For once"

"Thank you" Hyunjin said sarcastically, throwing his hands in the air.

"We're gonna move faster if we just manipulate their minds to tell us everything"

"Fine, but if something happens to him I swear—" "Swear to fucking Amanadiel, I don't give a shit. Try to think and protect all your family Chan, not just your boyfriend." Hyunjin said, ready to slap the shit out of him

"He'll not die, he's a grown ass man Chan. Get over yourself" Miho patted the older's back. "Thank you for telling me this, I didn't even know. If something happens or bothers any of you, please tell me so I could make everything more comfortable"

Hyunjin slapped Chan's ass hard when he left, making the older yelp.

He took a towel from the van, poured water over half of it and went to Felix. He offered it to him, making the younger smile and thank him.

"Is everything okay? I saw you with Minho and Chan, and you looked pretty angry" Felix asked after cleaning his arms. Hyunjin took the towel from the boy's small hands, cupping his chin making Felix look at him.

All the rage left his eyes, being placed with something else.

"You have a week off from work" he muttered ignoring what the younger said, helping him wipe the blood from his face.

Felix furrowed his eyebrows, looking up at Hyunjin confused. "What do you mean by that?" "For a week you'll not have to stay in the basement 24/7" Hyunjin muttered, softly caressing the boy's freckled cheek with the wet towel.

Felix nodded. "I can't remember anything from earlier. After I took a photo with you, everything just turned blank"

Hyunjin frowned, stroking his cheek softly. "You're tired, Yongbok. You need to rest"

"Earlier I was thinking of going somewhere. Wanna join?" He smiled at Hyunjin like a little child, wrapping his arms around the older's slim waist.

Hyunjin smiled softly at Felix's behaviour, nodding. "If it's okay with you, I'm up for it" he pulled a few strands of hair off the younger's forehead.

"This is too confusing" Seungmin tilted his head, staring at Felix and Hyunjin talking and smiling. Jeongin nodded, swinging his feet as he sat on the hood of the van.

"Because they are talking, hugging or smiling to each other?" Changbin asked, wiping his hands. Seungmin passed his banana to him, squinting his eyes as he kept staring. "Everything" he made a circle motion with his hand towards them. "A few weeks or months ago they were at each other's throats. I miss all that."

Changbin passed the fruit back to Seungmin, leaning against the front of the car. "They still are, but it's so sexual I get horny just seeing it" he muttered.

Jeongin hopped off the car, raising his hands "I'm done with both of you" he said, before leaving.

Both shrugged, staring at Hyunjin kissing Felix's knuckles. Seungmin silently passed the last bite of the banana, Changbin accepting it happily.


3K, dayum👀

Hope you're okay, safe, healthy and at least a little happy.



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