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The last few days were a total chaos. Clothes were splattered everywhere, Minho kept crying while packing his bag especially when making Jisung's.

Chan was in dad mode, cooking food to make sure his kids would not starve. Seungmin and Changbin were like horny rabbits, fucking everywhere and anywhere. And Hyunjin with Felix... well— they were okay at the beginning.

Packing their stuff and making sure everything was in its place, weapons placed safely in the van, different liquids from the lab hid in shampoo bottles and so on but now... they did an 180 turn.

Currently they were in the training room, training in a different way—

"Mhh" Felix hummed, pulling the dark locks, receiving a low groan. "Slow down Yongbok" Hyunjin whispered, placing his hands on the males hips and slowing his movements. Felix whined at the loss of friction, being shutted down by Hyunjin's lips, kissing his lips slowly.

Guiding his hips, the older moaned, loving how Felix thrusted downwards, huffing slightly.

"Such a good boy" he muttered, kissing Felix's cheek softly before trailing little kisses down his neck. Felix shivered at the feeling. He frowned at the way his body reacted, feeling embarrassed by it.

To be honest, this was literally his first time doing something sexual for so long, he usualy slipped in a headspace or an alter did, making him forget about it. Felix told himself it is okay to react this way, to feel too overwhelmed by all the feelings and sounds. He felt like an inexperienced child... or better said teenager.

Hyunjin chuckled when the younger hid his face in the crook of his neck. Rubbing his back, rocking their bodies slowly, "Do you want to stop?" Felix shook his head, mumbling something inaudible. Hyunjin patted his head, playing with the soft blonde hair.

He felt so lucky to have Hyunjin. Always asking him if he's okay or if he wants to stop. He didn't care about his needs, Felix was the priority.

"You know it is normal to react this way, right? No need to be embarrassed. You saw that I react the same, perhaps more dramatic"

Felix started giggling, remembering how Hyunjin's body would tremble, not shudder, or how he would tilt his head at the ticklish feeling.

The older's browns knitted, not understanding why Felix stopped moving. Before he could tilt his head to look at him his toes curled at the feeling of the males lips suking his sensible spot at the base of his neck. He thrusted upwards, Felix moaning at the feeling of their clothed erections rubbing against each other.

Resting his head against the back of the chair, his hands travelled down, caressing his naked lower back. His fingers travelled under his pants making Felix gasp at the feeling.

Closing the gap between them, again, Hyunjin's tongue flicked softly against the youngers before sucking it, humming. His hand cupped the younger's ass, kneading it.

A new thing he learned today, Felix loved that, but in a rougher way.

The younger pushed his bottom in the hand kneading his cheek, grinding against it and the males crotch moaning at the feeling.

His body stilled, shoulders tense when Hyunjin's finger brushed against his rim. "Do you want me to continue?" he whispered, kissing the younger's jaw.

Exhaling shakily, Felix nodded, circling his hips slowly. He flinched when the tip of the finger entered him, Hyunjin painting his neck with purple marks.

They kept grinding against each other, now two fingers pumping painfully slow in Felix.

"Faster" he hissed, moving more roughly and pulling Hyunjin's hair, yanking his head back.

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