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Muffled laughs filled the plane, making Hyunjin open his eyes and groan.

He stretched his limbs, feeling like ants were walking on his body from the numbness.

He yawned silently, covering his mouth during it and looking around the dark room.

Changbin and Seungmin were cuddling on the couch and Jisung was scribbling furiously in his notebook.

"Morning, sleepyhead." Jisung muttered, biting the end of the pencil as he looked at Hyunjin.

The black haired male nodded in greeting and walked grumpily towards the other cabin.

"And then he fell off the roof screaming 'mommy'" Chan tried to explain, wheezing after each word and holding his stomach.

Everyone in the room laughed along with him, slapping the table or their legs.

"Oh, hello mister Hwang" Chan bowed mockily, chucking when Hyunjin grimaced dramatically.

"The fuck is on your faces" he asked, pointing his hand towards all of them.

Chan and Jeongin were on the couch, having a flute of champagne in their hands and Bokie with Minho stretched on the seats. All of them with face masks on and meowracha with cucumbers over their eyes.

"Moisturising masks, dear" Bokie said, taking one cucumber from here eye to take a look at Hyunjin.

Hyunjin huffed, rolling his eyes. "Now I understand what's going on" "How rude of you to not say hi Hyunjinnie"

"Stop calling me that, Bokie" Hyunjin warned, taking a seat on the arm of Minho's bed-armchair, resting one leg over the other.

"Still stubborn I see" Bokie chuckled, eating the cucumbers and dusting her hands.

"You two don't get along?" Minho pointed between them, confused over their interaction.

"Yes we do, but Hyunjin decides to be a pussy and act stubborn because we had a little fight of which Lady Gaga song is the best"

"Well you keep being a fucking bitch and say that Edge of Glory is the greatest song of hers when we all can clearly say that it's Bad Romance" Hyunjin waved his hands dramatically, ready to throw a tantrum over this.

"Drop the shit man" "I'm not dropping nothing, just your head in the damn toilet"

"Okay, let's calm down, shall we?" Chan got up, giving Hyunjin the flute with champagne. Hyunjin gulped it down, making Chan stare at him "I gave it to you to hold it, not drink it" he muttered "Shut up, I'll refill it" Hyunjin said, taking the bottle and drinking from it before pouring in the glass.

"Both songs are amazing so please, calm down, have a drink—" "I already had it" Hyunjin said, giving Chan the flute. Chan gave the glass again to Hyunjin and slapped his nape, sighing.

"And let's not make this plane crash because of Lady Gaga, right Minho?"

Minho was holding in his hand a bag of chips, chewing loudly and watching intently. "I could care less, I finally have some drama to watch so I will enjoy it" he shrugged, drinking some coke.

Chan sighed, again, and pointed at Minho. "Let's ignore the boss—" "The boss wants to watch a fight" Minho chuckled, crossing his legs like a child.

"Innie?" Chan said helplessly, trying to resolve the situation. "I think the best song is Alejandro so get over it ladies, no one is going to die because of this"

Chan released a breath, taking the empty glass of champagne from Hyunjin and sat back next to his boyfriend.

Bokie rolled her eyes, taking a face mask from her bag and throwing it at Hyunjin along with a lip mask. "Why a lip mask?" "I don't want to kiss chapped lips, okay?" Bokie said, massaging her face.

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