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"I want to make some cookies," Felix muttered, leaning on the counter.

Jisung's eyes widened in excitement "Can we go shopping? I really need a walk"

Felix nodded, taking a paper and pen and making a list of what they needed.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Chan asked when he entered the room, kissing Felix's forehead. He took a seat at the table and ate an apple.

"Making a list, do you want something from the grocery?" Chan got up and threw the core of the apple in the trash "I planned to go at the mall to buy black jeans"

Felix nodded and wrote what they needed in the house.

"Meet us at the van in five" Felix said, exiting the kitchen and changing his clothes.

After a few minutes he and Jisung went to the underground garage, finding Chan resting against the door. "Let's go ladies," Chan said, getting in the car.

The drive to the mall was pleasant. Nobody spoke and Felix enjoyed the silence.

After Chan parked, he clapped his hands. "So— from here we part ways. If something happens or you need something, call me. In two hours we met here. Okay?"

Jisung and Felix nodded, getting out of the car. They took a cart and entered the grocery store. "So.. how's training with your enemy?" Jisung said, smirking as he took from his pocket a paper.

He had his own list and as they passed beside the products he had on the list, bouncing between the shelfs and taking them. "It's lovely and terrible" Felix shook his head and laughed at the energy of his friend, resting his elbows on the cart and pushing it slowly.

"Why lovely?" Jisung asked, throwing a pack of butter in the cart.

Felix sighed, taking from the refrigerator two bottles of milk "I can beat his ass whenever I want"

Jisung chuckled, shaking his head. "Do you see the powdered sugar?" he asked, looking at the shelf like a lost puppy. Felix pointed at it, laughing when Jisung realised it was in front of him.

"Have you seen his body? He looks so hot after coming from the military" Felix rolled his eyes, pushing faster the cart to avoid Jisung's disgusting question but the latter jogged after the silver haired with a formwork with eggs.

"You're gross," Felix muttered, looking boredly at the meat section. "But for real now, he's such a hottie" Jisung sighed dreamily, making Felix grimace.

Isn't Minho his fling or something?

"Did you stop worshipping Minho's thighs and veiny hands to worship Hwang?" Jisung groaned, slumping as he followed Felix "Absolutely no. Come on Felix, who wouldn't find hot a long, slim silhouette, pretty face and big dic-" Felix stopped in his tracks, staring unimpressed at Jisung "Yeah, he has a nice body but it would be prettier if it was full of wounds and blood made by me" he smirked, visualising it.

Hyunjin would look really good having his hands tied to the ceiling, torso full of bloody freckles and burns.

He shrugged, starting to walk again "But I worship Chan's abs and arms, thank you very much"

"Oh, by the way, how's it going with Chan"

Felix pursed his lips, nodding "It's... okay, still young love you know"

Jisung hummed, taking a few packs of flour. "But I feel like I need a little space, my BPD is not that great," Felix said, looking blankly at the white tiles on the floor.

The slightly older male stopped shuffling around the cart "It's getting worse?" Felix hummed, helping Jisung organise the things in the cart "It's so weird, I slip into a manic episode but after a few hours I am fine, my therapist said he never saw a person with severe bpd and psychosis have such short manic episodes. It's kinda concerning"

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