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TW: graphics.

"And I realise you're mine. Indeed a fool am I" he lip sync, closing the door after him and throwing the keys in the 'key jar' Chan made for them. Felix slithered his fingers through his hair, his bangs falling on his forehead again.

Everyone he passed in the halls questioned themselves how Felix still heard because they could hear the heavy rock from his air pods being at its peak. They shrugged it off, enjoying the old music they could hear.

"And I realise you're mine. Indeed a fool am I" he whispered, entering the elevator and nodding his head pretty aggressively with the beat of the solo guitar.

After he entered the basement, he placed the bouquet of flowers he gathered from the beautiful field he passed by in a white vase.

Felix started being himself recently and did the things he enjoyed. And Hyunjin felt so proud of that.

Everyone would wake up, confused, with random vases with pretty flowers in random rooms, Felix cooking and baking in the middle of the night, music blasting in the house and the most weird thing, Felix laughing.

He opened the file placed on the counter and looked over it. A smirk climbed on his lips.

He started swinging his hips, pouting his lips "Heaven smiles above me. What a gift here below" he sang quietly. He closed the file, turning around and going into another room. He pecked Hyunjin's lips, leaving the male startled, blushing,  with his eyes wide and a small smile on his lips.

Hyunjin kept his promise and started doing his work in the basement. To give Felix company. After he came back to reality and looked at his feet and smiled like a little kid, he turned his attention towards the bouquet of daisies.

He took one and twirled it around his finger, examining its structure. How the petals were placed one over another but gave fullness to their beauty.

A small hand took the little flower and placed it behind his ear, along with a now black strand of wavy hair.

"But no one knows. The gift that you give to me" Felix sand next to Hyunjin's ear, giving him a little kiss on his cheek and disappearing in the torture room.

Did he take drugs? Wait, he can't get high. Is he drunk?

Hyunjin frowned but his heart fluttered. Felix was unusually affectionate today.

"Well hello, Michael" Felix said, taking off his earbuds and placing them in their box.

"You k-know me?" Michael stuttered, gulping.

Felix leaned against the wall, playing with a karambit knife, twirling it around his finger. He shrugged, smirking and tilting his head "Chemist's should know each other. Don't you think so?"

The male pursed his lips, looking around the room. His body shook with fear just seeing the dark shades of the room's walls but his attention was on the flowers.

"I miss Phil" Felix sighed, laughing in his head when Michael's body started shaking. He started walking around the man's tied body, dragging the knife on the chains, watching how he flinched with every sound.

Seungmin and Minho appeared in the room from nowhere. Minho sat on a chair, staring at some chains and Seungmin in front of Michael, scaring the shit out of him.

"Good evening" Minho saluted, putting one leg over the other and leaning back in the chair. "It was hard to find you, mister"

"I didn't d-do anything wrong. I'm innocent!" Michael blurted out, freaking out after seeing Hyunjin walk in the room caressing Felix's back and taking a seat on the counter.

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