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The word exhausted could just give you a little idea on what state was Hyunjin.

Restless nights until he quitted sleeping at all, focusing all his attention in trying to find him.


It was like a nightmare, so many emotions washing over him in such a short time.

Food. What was that?

Hyunjin reached that point where he would pull his hair in frustration, biting his nails when all the keywords and info ended up in a wall instead of a clear road.

He even started smoking Felix's joints hidden under that little brick on the roof, breaking down after that, realising that he refused to smoke the exact same joint the night Felix whispered so angry and frustrated how he felt like falling in love with him and now there he was, trying to find a release, using his lover's joints.

Ironic right?

All of the feelings Hyunjin felt were too much. He didn't feel like this when he found Felix on the bathroom floor four years ago, his wrists cut and blood drawings all over the white tiles; or the time he was in the military, dreaming of all the bad things he did to his pretty boy.

That was only a drop in the fucking storm.

He felt like losing his mind.

He sighed, tying his now longer hair in a messy bun and dropping all the documents on the bed that apparently was smoothly made. Did he do that?

Jesus Christ, he was going crazy.

He opened the files, biting his nails and cuticles anxiously as he read every little information. All the steps and breaths took my Chuldae.

He opened his laptop, checking the FBI page (thanks to Changbin) and seeing Chuldae was more searched now than ever. They found out he was trafficking people.


Hyunjin smirked, checking the database. Still no moves from the motherfucker. "Where the fuck are you?"

Hours. Days. Weeks passed.

Everyday the same shit. Checking the FBI database and theirs.

It was like Chuldae fell in a worm hole, fucking dissapearing from this universe.

A little notification popped on the side of the screen.

What's that?

Hyunjin jumped, tapping fast on it. His body froze.


Chuldae was found in Puerto Rico, doing a drug transaction. How did he get there? 

'Three bodies were found near a Caribbean island. The autopsy revealed the victims were two women and one male from the Lee bloodline, around the South Korea region. They were heavily abused, major injuries around all their body. Still no family found to contact'

His heart dropped. He checked Olivia's and Rachel's case—

"No" he whispered, his breath stopping as he read the most recent update from their file.

'90% chance to be the victims from the Caribbean case'


What if—


Stop right now. They can't be dead.

He is not d-

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