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Felix slightly shifted, tilting his head to the side, resting it on the crook of Hyunjin's neck. The soft breaths tickling his skin. He groaned bringing his hand to his neck, scratching the itchy part and pulling away the hair on his neck.

He frowned, it was too long to be his, he ignored it, falling back asleep at the given comfort.

After a while, Felix woke up again. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes with the paw of his sweater, sighing. He felt so warm and comfortable. He turned his head, letting it fall to the side but stopping in something hard. The sweet, fresh, citrusy smell hit his nose, making him smile.

Opening his eyes, Felix blinked a few times, adjusting to the dark. They still were in the back of the library and just now he felt the heavy weight in his lap. Felix pursed his lips, trying not to smile.

Flashbacks from a few hours ago flashed in his mind. Hyunjin's soft voice next to his ear, reading his favourite book, his hands around his body, giving him warmth as his back rested against the shelf. They were in the same position as when they fell asleep. Hyunjin's head was resting against the younger's shoulder and they were curled in a small ball. It looked uncomfortable but actually it was comfortable like never before.

Felix leaned further if he could in the older's body, enjoying the closure.

He used to hate this. He hated the skin ship, feeling someone close to him but with Hyunjin— it was like he erased everything Felix hated and showed him how it actually was.

We were supposed to hate each other. I was supposed to wish your death, not your kisses.

When did we become this? Why? How?

A soft light slithered through the shelves, making Felix confused. He started hearing heavy steps echoing in the room, flinching.

Hyunjin whined softly at the sudden movement, tightening his arms around the younger's body. He held him like he was afraid someone would take the boy from him.

Felix pinched the older's arm, trying to wake him up. He stirred in his sleep, feeling pleasure roll in his body. Felix rolled his eyes whispering "Fucking kinky bitch".

He started shaking him "Wake up" he whisper-yelled, starting to tickle him with a hand and with the other covering his mouth. The older started giggling, slapping away the blonde's hand.

He frowned, looking around him and after staring at Felix confused. He looked to the side, hearing the footsteps. "Get up, fast" Hyunjin mumbled, his voice raspy from sleep.

Felix got up and helped Hyunjin. Before he even realised what's happening, Hyunjin took his hand, interlocked their fingers and started running.

Both were still sleepy but they knew, they had to run. "Hey, you two!" a big, board male shouted. "Fuck, security" Felix whispered, tightening his grip on the older's hand and started running faster.

"Fucking teenagers. Get back here!" the male shouted, running after them.

Felix tripped but Hyunjin was fast to catch him, both started laughing, running for dear life. Felix pulled Hyunjin to the side, the older almost slamming into a shelf.

The security guard started getting tired from all the running around the library, wiping his sweaty forehead with the back of his hand and staring at them disappearing in the dark hall. He shook his head, throwing his hands and turning around.

"This generation of kids are fucked up I swear to god—" he muttered, groaning as he took the flashlight that have had feel on the ground. "At least they were reading or whatever"

Hyunjin and Felix were panting, still laughing at the situation. Felix found the motorcycle and started the engine. "You made a face. Oh lord" Hyunjin slapped his thigh, wheezing.

Felix smiled, putting the helmet over Hyunjin's head and slapping his ass. "Stop it and let's go"

Hyunjin tried to stop but his body still trembled. "You're like a human vibrator right now" Felix muttered, looking to the side before turning right. It was silent for a few moments before both started laughing.

Tears were running down their faces and their stomachs were hurting. They were now in the garage, Felix putting the motorcycle in its place and Hyunjin waving his hand in front of his face, trying to stop the tears.

The younger bit Hyunjin's arm, making him yelp in surprise. "Stop being a drama llama" Felix huffed, still biting the older's arm.

Hyunjin looked at Felix with a face of disgust. "You have a kink with biting me or what the heck"

Felix shrugged, letting the man's arm and wiping his mouth. "You disgust me sometimes" Hyunjin said after stepping in the elevator "Like you don't like it" Felix said under his breath, pressing the last button.

"Where are we going now?" "The roof" Hyunjin hummed, resting his back against the mirrored wall.

After a few moments of silence, they were on the roof of the building. A soft cold breeze woke them up more, their bodies shivering at the sudden drop of temperature.

Felix exhaled, his body relaxing at the coldness. He crouched and took a brick from the wall, taking out a little box. He took something from it and put the box back, hiding it in the wall.

He got up and leaned against the railing, lighting the joint. Hyunjin sat next to him, looking up.

"These days, everyone's looking down" Felix said after exhaling the smoke, looking at the stars "It's nice seeing someone look up"

He extended the joint towards Hyunjin, but the older shook his head. "I'm pretty bad being high. You saw that" he chuckled, inhaling the fresh air.

They sat in silence, looking at the sun rising behind the mountains, shades of pink, blue, purple and orange painting the sky in a spectacular and beautiful view. "I'm thinking of starting painting" Hyunjin blurted out, looking amazed at the mixture of colours.

Felix inhaled the smoke in his lungs, before extinguishing the joint, crushing it against the railing. "I think you'll paint beautifully" Felix muttered, watching the smoke vanish in the air.

Hyunjin looked at the younger, admiring his soft but sharp features. "How can you not be high? I don't understand it. You're always smoking weed" he asked, watching the younger's reaction.

Felix smirked, staring at Hyunjin's eyes. "After doing it so often, you get used to it" he tilted his head, looking deeply into Hyunjin's eyes. He couldn't stop.

"And what's the reason you're smoking now?" "You"

Hyunjin raised his eyebrow, his heart fluttering. "You drive me crazy, Hwang," Felix muttered, running his hand through his hair and pulling it slightly.

Hyunjin grabbed his wrist and slammed the boy's body against his before cupping his face and kissing him.

The faint taste of weed lingered in their mouths, their tongues fighting for dominance. Felix gave up, letting Hyunjin take control.

Felix put his cold hands on Hyunjin's back, under his jacket, making him shiver at the cold contact.

Hyunjin's hand rested on Felix's cheek and the other on his neck.

The younger sighed in the kiss, biting Hyunjin's lower lip softly, making the kiss more heated. Hyunjin raised Felix, wrapping his legs around the males waist as he was seated on the railing, pulling him closer.

"I think I'm falling for you"

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