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Chan placed the papers on the table, unfolding the map and straightening it on the free space on the table.

"Okay, how do we do this?" he asked, looking dumbfounded at the sketch.

Seungmin groaned as he scratched his head, looking through the papers. He hummed, nodding as he read the information.

"Hyun is already here. Fucking bastard" he muttered, opening the laptop and clicking on the link Changbin sent him.

"Okay, first of all. The business"

Minho cleared his throat, picking a lint from his trousers. "This afternoon I will go to sign the contract and see the building. From tomorrow we can start doing the guns and drugs"

Chan hummed, nodding, biting his inner cheek, drawing on the map.

"Felix will go with Changbin there and check everything. And I am thinking of producing swords too. We will make pretty money with them"

Seungmin nodded, scrolling through the site. "When do we have to go to the FBI base?" Minho asked, playing with the pen.

"The day after tomorrow" "Note it down Aussie"

Chan circled on the map where the FBI building is, tapping the table after with the cap in boredom. "So three days. Four or five days until he will do some dirty shit. Tell the boys to train heavily. We expect a dirty fight. That man got people everywhere"

Minho and Seungmin hummed, the younger of them all writing something. "In five days he has a meeting to get the wares of human trafficking."

Minho scoffed, licking his lips. "Jesus Christ. At least if they were drugs.."

"Expect a fight in five days and an attack in six. We need to secure the building." Chan muttered, looking at the males sitting in front of him.

Minho nodded, "We need to save those people too." he said, excusing himself when his phone started ringing.

Chan took the map and placed it on the blackboard attached to the wall. He looked at it intently. "What's wrong?" Seungmin asked, stopping typing and looking at the older.

Chan sighed, shaking his head and taking a seat next to the younger. "This is so wrong. I feel like something bad will happen."

Seungmin exhaled loudly, placing his hand on Chan's shoulder and massaging it slightly. "Bad things always happen, Channie. I have that feeling too but... we need to swallow it and not let it distract us"

Chan nodded, muttering 'I know' rubbing his face with his hands. "I don't want the boys to get hurt, I just can't"

"I know... just relax and enjoy the time here while you can," Seungmin smiled, tilting his head as he caressed the males cheek.

Sitting in comfortable silence, both males looked at the map, frowning and biting their lips.

"How is it going with Changbin?" Chan blurted out, lifting the tight tension from the room.

Seungmin smiled unconsciously, inhaling deeply. "He asked me to be his boyfriend the night before coming here. We went to a late date"

A smile appeared on Chan's lips, closing his eyes in happiness. "I still remember how pissed you were that night at school when the two of you kissed and Bin just sprinted out the room"

Both of them chuckled at the memory, shaking their heads.

Sighing, Seungmin tilted his head back and looked at Chan. "How about you and Jeongin?"

"Amazing, Seung. It's everything I wished and dreamed about. He's the ray of sun in my dark days"

"I am so glad. Speaking of rays of sun. Will Felix be okay?"

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