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"Seriously?! You dropped my croissant!" Jeongin said with a pout, crossing his arms. "I can give you a better croissant," Chan smirked, pouring salt on what he was cooking.

Jeongin flushed and shut up as he stared at Chan's sculpted back. He was shirtless and wearing just shorts and an apron and he looked divine like that.

Minho chuckled, shaking his head "Chan-ah we are leaving, take care of the kids and please— don't destroy this one" he pointed at Jeongin, making the maknae blush in embarrassment.

"I can't promise anything Min" Chan winked at Minho before taking two plates from the drawer.

Minho laughed "Enjoy your meal, bye" he left the room, hearing a muffled 'thank you' from the younger boy.

"Use protection!" Jeongin screamed, making Chan throw a sausage at him. "What? I want them to have fun and also be safe" he struggled, Chan sending him a glare.

Such a cutie.

"Hey! Don't eat jelly worms until you eat real food, young lad. After that you can eat how many chemicals you want" Chan said, pointing at the maknae with the spatula. Jeongin sighed and put the gummies back in the drawer "Yes mom"

"I prefer dad— or daddy" Minho started laughing as he put his shoes, hearing a 'fuck you' from the younger. Oh god, how he missed those old times when Jeongin was a teenager and not a grown man.

And the braces. Minho smiled softly to himself before he closed the door and waited in the hallway.

After a few moments he heard Jisung's voice saying goodbye to the ones in the kitchen. "You're ready—" Minho's words were caught in his throat as he saw Jisung.

Mother above, he looked like an angel fallen from heaven.

"Hey" Jisung muttered, shyly playing with the hem of his blue pastel sweater.

Minho stared at him, mouth slightly open. He shook his head, still mesmerised by the younger's looks.

"You look beautiful," Minho blurted out, making a blush creep on Jisung's fluffy cheeks. "Thank you, you look handsome too," he smiled.

That smile made Minho weak and all he wanted to do was kneel in front of Jisung and let the male do whatever he wanted to do with him.

"I like seeing you in skirts, you look good in them" he winked and kissed the younger's cheek, before offering his arm.

A click was followed by a flash, making the two males groan and close their eyes. "Minsung date no 1. Enjoy your night and have some fun" Seungmin said, disappearing before one of them had the chance to react.

They shook it off and went to the car. Minho opened the door for Jisung and got in too.

"Where are we going?" Jisung asked "You will see" Minho said, taking Jisung's hand and putting it under his on the shifter.

Jisung watched their hands, hearing his heartbeat in his ears, and felt instantly warm seeing the veins popping out of Minho's hand making it an enjoyable view.

"I hope you don't take me to an abandoned place where you can kill me. I mean, I can die, I look good" Jisung said, shrugging. Minho chuckled, squeezing the younger's hand. "Nah, then I'll not have someone to spoil and love"

Jisung hit his arm slightly "Shut up, you make me blush." Minho smiled, looking for a few moments at Jisung asking himself how he was so lucky.

"Okay mister loverboy, eyes on the road— don't look at me like that" Jisung muttered, pushing Minho's face softly to focus "Why not, love?"

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