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Chan shook Changbin's shoulders making the male whine and snuggle closer to Seungmin.

With a sigh, Chan slapped the younger's face making him shot up with a "Fuck, I'm up." "We are home, wake up Seungmin and go to sleep"

Changbin rubbed his eyes and nodded sleepily, getting out of the car and seeing Hyunjin hugging Felix tightly while kissing his forehead as he cried.

Pursing his lips he looked at Chan who shrugged "Hyun's overwhelmed" "Make sure he eats, he needs it" Chan nodded, going to wake up Minho and Jisung.

Changbin took Seungmin in his arms, the sleepy male wrapping his legs and arms around his torso while resting his head on the wide shoulder and smiling at the skinship.

The shorter male walked slowly towards the house, opening the door tiredly and walking directly towards their room, Minho and Jisung walking shortly after while yawning and stretching their sore limbs.

"Hyunjin" Chan said while holding the maknae's tights so he would not fall off his back. The latter rose his head and looked at Chan, raising his eyebrow "We are home"

The taller nodded, getting out of the car and following Chan in the house. "Make sure you eat too, okay? Don't force yourself, only a few bites" Chan muttered, rubbing his back.

Hyunjin gulped but nodded, walking in the kitchen with Lixie clinging on his body and crying. "I'm hungry" he whispered, sniffling. "I know, pretty boy" Hyunjin whispered back, sitting on the chair and helping the little sit comfortably on his lap.

He looked at the big bowl on the table and inhaled sharply. His entire body felt hot, almost burning. Taking off his shirt, he sighed, feeling the chilly air hit his back.

Lixie rested his cheek on Hyunjin's bare chest and smiled softly, leaving a small kiss on the hot skin before looking at the bowl with bibimbap and sniffling softly while licking his lips.

He was starving. The pain in his stomach growing by seconds and feeling the acid in it burning his insides.

Hyunjin took a tissue from the table and wiped the little's cheeks and nose before kissing his forehead gently.

He pulled the bowl closer and took a spoon, mixing the vegetables and rice.

The younger's eyes lightened up at the sight of warm food and hugged Hyunjin tighter, waiting patiently for the male to feed him.

As if he read his mind, Hyunjin bought the full spoon of bibimbap close to Lixie and watched the little eat eagerly the food.

Biting his lip, he took some bibimbap and brought it closer to himself, looking at Lixie munching happily on the food, he breathed shakily before eating it.

If he eats, so do you.

Just swallow it.

You need strength to take care of Felix.

And just like that the two ate together silently, sometimes one sniffling or whimpering while crying softly.

When the bowl was empty, Lixie grabbed it and looked inside, pouting at the small amount of bibimbap remaining.

He showed it to Hyunjin "I want more" he muttered, holding the big bowl in his small shaky hands.

The older shook his head, caressing his back "You ate too much already, baby" he smiled sadly when Lixie started crying and shaking his head, pushing the bowl towards Hyunjin.

"B-but I am hungry!" he whispered, his lip quivering. Hyunjin sighed, taking the bowl and putting it on the table. He cleaned Lixie's mouth of the small crumbs of food "You will feel sick, Lixie. I know you're hungry but it's too much"

The little nodded, yawning and hugging Hyunjin.

He was so tired. His entire body burned from how much he fought and from not eating and sleeping properly for the past few weeks but he had to be strong.

For Felix.

Both weren't in the best state of mind. But one of them had to take care of both.

Felix was the one traumatised, not Hyunjin.

But that didn't mean Hyunjin didn't need to be taken care of too.

He will... some day.

Now he had to make sure the younger male gets better.

With a sigh, Hyunjin got up from the chair, Lixie still clinging to him like a koala.

Taking the shirt from the floor, he walked them towards his room and entered the bathroom.

Running his fingers through Lixie's hair he took off the red ribbon and massaged the younger's lower back.

"You need to shower, can I undress you?" He felt the little nod against his neck and put him on the counter. Taking off his shirt, Hyunjin's eyes widened.

There were new scars; that weren't fully healed.

Looking in the mirror his jaw dropped seeing the whip marks on his back. "Jesus Christ" he whispered.

After undressing him fully, he turned on the water and set it on a warm temperature.

"Is it okay if Jinnie showers with you?" Lixie nodded aggressively, making grabby hands. Hyunjin took off his plants and underwear, picking the younger up and stepping in the shower.

He heard the little hiss and looked at him worriedly. "Does something hurt?" "No, just stings" Lixie said, pointing at his back.

Hyunjin hummed, pushing Lixie softly so the water didn't hit his back. He squirted some shampoo on his hand and started washing the younger's hair, pursing his lips at the long hair.

He really needs a haircut.

After washing his body and his own he stopped the water and got out of the shower to get towels. After coming back he saw Lixie scratch his red wrists.

Holding his hands, Hyunjin kissed the irritated skin while staring intently at the younger.

Words couldn't be said in this situation. The older was too scared to open his mouth and say something that would trigger the little, while Lixie just wanted to feel Hyunjin, touch his naked skin and drown in it.

To feel the safety of his embrace and never let go.

You deserve happiness not tears.

Cleaning and wrapping Lixie's wounds they changed into clothes and got under the covers. Hyunjin opened his arms and Lixie instantly hugged him, resting his head on his chest, hearing the fast heartbeat of the older.

That night both males felt like the darkness wasn't that scary anymore; just a blanket of silence.

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