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"Ooo, look how sexy our aussie boy looks!" Jisung whistled as Felix took off his shoes. "Hello to you too" Felix smiled, slapping his ass, making the older yelp.

"I would rail you at this moment but Jin might chop my dick off— and Seungmin too" Changbin said, his legs resting on the coffee table that was in front of the couch.

"Stop it, you make me blush" Felix whined, slapping Changbin's muscular arm with the back of his hand.

Chan entered the living room, a small juice box in his big hand, sipping the juice from the straw like a child. "Felix—" he nodded in greeting, choking with his juice and looking back at the now blonde boy "Holy shit. You kill with that mullet" he said after he stopped coughing.

Felix put the hood over his head and pulled the straws to make sure nobody would see his hair. It made him nervous.

Oh no, don't start again with the insecurities.

"Ayo, you good?" "Yeah. Just tired" he mumbled, entering the elevator. He rested his back against the mirrored room, putting his hood down and looking at his reflection.

Why are you nervous? It's just a fucking haircut.

A wave of stress washed over him, feeling his body weakening from tiredness.

For the past four days he kept torturing people for information and decipher new formulas of the unknown drugs on the market. It was relaxing and pleasant to feel the blood and hear the screams but it tired him asking questions, not having time to sleep, dragging the corpses alone and staying all night in the lab. It fucking made him want to smash his head against a wall.

The elevator door opened, making Felix look at the screen, seeing that it's not even half close to the floor with his room. He made eye contact with the person and immediately his heart started beating faster.

A lump formed in his throat as he watched Hyunjin step into the elevator, the same expression on his face. Shock.

"Hi," Hyunjin smiled. Felix swallowed hard, mumbling under his breath a little hello. "So beautiful" he whispered, stroking Hyunjin's freshly dyed hair.

He felt like he was hypnotised.

Compose yourself, bitch.

"Pretty boy" Hyunjin smiled "I like how you look with this haircut" "Your hair is pink" Felix said.

I sound and act like I was brainwashed. A star, two stars. Breath Felix, in and out. Act like a normal person.

Hyunjin chuckled. "Now I regret it. We would have the same hair colour" he nudged the younger with his shoulder gently, Felix smiling shyly at that.

"How was your day?" he asked after a few moments of silence. Hyunjin shrugged "Eh, boring. Yours?" "Terrible" Felix mumbled, pinching the bridge between his eyebrows.

"And why's that? The spiritual psycho is agitated? What happened?" "I haven't slept since Sunday. All day I'm in the basement, fuming in rage that some fucking bastards can't speak and then all night I'm in the lab deciphering drug formulas. All a-alone" he shuddered at the last word, feeling chills against his spine at the thought.

Why am I saying this to him?

"Stop overworking yourself, We have time, and if you want, I can stay with you" Felix looked at the older, confused. "You don't want that, trust me. I'm a maniac these days. I'm shocked I didn't cut your throat already"

Hyunjin smirked, looking to the side. "I wouldn't mind that," he whispered under his breath. Felix looked at the boy's sharp jawline and neck. Then, he observed something white on his ring finger from his left hand when he slithered his fingers through his hair.

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