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"No fucking way" Felix's head shot towards the parking lot, grinning when he heard his old friend's shout.

"Come here you little bastard!" Felix laughed heartily when Wooyoung threw himself in the younger's arms, squeezing him for dear life.

Wooyoung was pulled out of Felix's arms, making him confused but wheezed when Mingi tried to fit in his arms. 

"Fucking bitch!" Wooyoung said, slapping Mingi's arm before going to hug the others

After they broke the hug, Felix smiled at the other members, hugging them too. Minho sighed, patting Seonghwa's shoulder "It's been so long, sweet Satan" "Indeed, how long has it been?"

"Three years"


Clapping his hands, Minho smiled pointing towards the door "Let's get inside gentleman, we need to charm some daddies"

Everyone chuckled, walking towards the Casino. Wooyoung linked his arm around Felix's, pushing him softly with his shoulder "So how's it going with Mr. Bang?"

He was smiling widely, the corner of his eyes wrinkling and his body screaming in energy. Wooyoung didn't change at all.

"We broke up"

Everyone stopped walking when they heard Wooyoung gasp loudly, scared he might choke. "What?!" he screamed, apologising when Hongjoong slapped the back of his head.

"Why? How? When—" Wooyoung rambled, grabbing Felix's shoulders and shaking the poor male.

"Woo calm down, you're shaking the boy too hard," San said softly, pulling the red haired back. "Thanks" Felix muttered, grabbing onto something to keep his balance— that something being apparently Hyunjin's arm.

He felt the warmth of the older's hand on his lower back and the other holding his upper arm. "Are you okay?" he said, confused as to why Felix grabbed his arm out of the blue.

After the dizziness went away, Felix smiled awkwardly nodding "Yeah, got a little dizzy. Woo shook me too hard"

Humming, Hyunjin ran his fingers down Felix's black waistcoat, touching gently the white pearl buttons that matched the dress shirt he wore under.

Felix looked at Hyunjin, amazed at how good he looked in such a simple outfit. He wore a black satin dress shirt, a blazer and dress pants that were the death for Felix. He looked effortlessly good.

The older smirked, pulling Felix closer and leaning down slightly, feeling the urge to kiss him. "Don't tell me you broke up with Bang to be with Hwang Hyunji—" Wooyoung screamed, as usual, but was shutted up by San who put his hand over the male's mouth. "You're too loud, sugar. If you really want to scream, I'll help you with that later but shut up for now"

San winced when Wooyoung bit his hand, blushing furiously. "Let's go inside"

Minho sighed, chuckling. They entered inside the casino, the workers bowing in greeting. "Good evening, boss. Table 3 is reserved for you" "Thank you, Lisa"

"And he owns the fucking casino, what did I expect" Changbin muttered, rolling his shoulders. Jisung giggled at the older's remark, shaking his head.

Minho turned around, stopping everyone from entering the poker room. "Remember, lads. The first round will be only as a warm-up, from the second one I'll make a bet with the leader. Felix and Changbin will do their little tricks with the cards while Hyunjin will provoke them. Woo, Seungmin and Jongho. You know what to do" they all nodded, fixing their clothes before entering the room through different entrances.

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