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"No fucking way..." he whispered.

"What's wrong, Hyunjin?" Chan asked, placing a hand on the males shoulder.

"No... It can't be—" Hyunjin scoffed, scratching his head and pulling the dark hair. "For fuck's shake" he started laughing, tears building in his eyes.

"Hwang just say what the fuck is wrong and stop whining like a pussy" Chain growled, annoyed to hear his enemy babbler.

"All this time—" he gulped, "we were after the wrong man" Chan frowned, looking confused at Seungmin. "What are you talking about?" the leader said from the other end.

"I'm so stupid, Jesus Christ" Hyunjin muttered. "Do you see how familiar Hyun looks?"

They all nodded, frowning in confusion.

What the heck is Hyunjin trying to say?

Chain started chuckling, shaking his head. "What a plot twist"

"Someone please explain what is going on" Jeongin whined, being so confused. "He's my father—" "And that means that Chuldae is..." "His uncle"

"Bro..." Jisung whispered, looking shocked at Changbin.

They did not expect this... didn't even think about it.

Bullets started being shoot, people collapsing on the ground, screams filling the abandoned place.

"May I know who's that Chuldae and why are you scared of the pussy?" Chain hissed, resting his head against the wall as he breathed in the smell of fresh blood.

Kill each other faster, daddy is impatient.

"Our first enemy. He killed my father and Seungmin's" Minho said, gunshots being heard from their line.

"Fucking bitches" Minho grunted, giving Seonghwa the suitcase "Go put it in the car and verify if it has a bomb in it"

"Changbin, do you see somethin—" "Everyone down!" Changbin screamed, everybody doing as said. They heard a machine gun.

"Sungie, go around the building and update us" "Copy that"

Everything moved fast, just like a blur and in a few minutes of only hearing screams, grunts and guns time stopped. They breathed heavily, shivers running down their spines and a bad feeling in their guts.

"Did you really have to kill all my people?" Hyun asked, pushing with his foot a body in front of him, his stomach turning when he saw his mate dead.

"I love seeing you crumble" Chuldae smirked, swirling the gun on his finger.

"I've been hunting you for almost two decades, Dae... and finally there you are, ready to pay for the most stupid shit you could do. Kill my family because of jealousy. Pretty pathetic I must say"

Hyun scoffed, wiping his forehead with a handkerchief and seeing blood. He looked at his older brother, throwing his arms open and walking closer towards the male.

"Hyunjin get back" "Fucking idiot" 

Hyunjin sneaked behind a wall under the bridge, wanting, no— needing to see his father.

Hyun stopped in his tracks, frowning as he looked towards the bridge. "Saw something, little brother?" Chuldae smirked, knowing exactly what his brother saw.

He smiled softly after he realised he's seeing his son, his eyes softening. He thought they were dead by now, living on the streets, freezing and dying of hunger.

"You're so handsome, looking just like Dal" the male whispered, making Hyunjin tilt his head. He Flinched when he felt a hand grab his, he turned around seeing Felix— or what alter was in front, looking worriedly at him.

He smiled sadly at Felix, squeezing his hand back. "He's my dad. I thought he was dead all this time" he whispered.

Felix caressed his cheek, whispering 'I know'.

"You know... I never understood what Dal saw in you" Chuldae interrupted, making Hyun look back in front of him, his smile dropping.

At least he knew his son was alive and had someone to care about him. But still he was not sure which one.

"First look at yourself and then ask why she chose me, Dae" he said back, hands in pockets.

Chuldae scoffed, stopping swirling the gun and readjusting his grip on it, Hyun pulled out his gun too, ready to kill the motherfucker.

"Unfortunately, Hyun, you will never see what plans I have for your son," Chuldae smirked, pointing the gun towards his brother. Hyun did the same, already pressing the trigger.

Hyunjin's eyes widened, a tear escaping his eye "No" he whispered, seeing his father collapse on the ground, the soul leaving his body.

Someone shot him from behind, Chuldae smirking.

"Stop hiding, kids. I know you're here" he shouted, throwing his gun which was, apparently, not even loaded.

Almost everyone got out of their hidden place, staring deadly at the old man. He looked around, seeing he was surrounded by hundreds of fighters.

Felix wiped the tear and kissed Hyunjin's cheek, starting to dissociate again "You are okay, everything is going to be fine." Hyunjin nodded, leaning in the touch until it lasted.

"Hyunjin" Chuldae sang, making the male flinch. He stepped out and made eye contact with his uncle. The old man smiled disgustingly and opened his arms "Come and give uncle a hug" he said.

"In your fucking dreams" Hyunjin muttered, grabbing tightly his knives.

It felt so wrong just looking at Chuldae. He wanted to pull his organs out by what he did.

Hyunjin accepted long ago that his parents were dead and they will not come back, but realising and remembering who his father is.... Living all his life in a lie— thinking his fucking dad killed his mother and hunting him down.

Now he understood why he never was even close to catching him.

Fuck, he didn't even kill his parent, he was one of them.

And seeing him now there, in that place, dressed in an expensive suit like he always did, being killed so fucking easily by his 'uncle' or better said, parent's murdered, it hurt him.

He had a little drop of hope, dreaming how he could hunt Chuldae with his father, Hyun, and kill the son of a bitch—

Jesus, he was so stupid...

Fantasising like a teenager about unbelievable things.

It hurt like a bitch— living again the pain of his parents being killed. But why?

After all, they didn't have any interaction for 16 years.

Then why does he feel like this? Like he was ripped in half?

"Watch out!" Jisung screamed, making Hyunjin snap out of it and move his body fast, the shooted arrow scratching his arm.

Chain didn't even thought before throwing knives, starting a fight—

that not even them were sure they will win.

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