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As their steps echoed in the deserted halls, Felix could feel a wave of anxiety go through him.

Chan placed his arm slowly around Felix's shoulder and pulled him closer to his chest. That was always the cure for Felix's anxiety— hearing Chan's heartbeat.

He smiled to himself. He didn't know what would happen if he hadn't had Chan beside him.

He started counting the beats of Chan's heart and slowed his breath.

Everything is going to be okay, you'll see just an old friend...

Chan stood behind the boy, kissing his neck and letting Felix take his time before getting inside the room. Taking a deep breath he opened the door and felt his heart stop.

Sitting on the chair facing the door was him, his fingers interlocked on the table, playing as usual with his thumbs.

He looked different.

He was a beautiful piece of art lost in a ugly world.

Felix gulped. He did not expect that. The male was— ravishingly beautiful.

His hair grew longer, now being tied half up half down and having a soft shade of platinum blonde. Two strands of shorter hair rested beautifully against his cheekbones, giving his sharp features more sharpness.

Their eyes met, the old dark glint still behind them, but something changed in those moments. When his stare moved to Chan, he rolled his brown eyes, shifting in his seat making his muscles flex under his suit and his eyes landed again on Felix. Damn— he really changed.

"Fucking beautiful" breathed Felix, still mesmerized by the look of male.

His body buzzed with something he couldn't put his finger on. Get over yourself, you hate that idiot.

But that doesn't mean he's not beautiful.

Shut the fuck up.

The door opened, more people entering the room. The males broke the intense eye contact, both looking at the door.

"Oh my God, Lee fucking Felix" a voice said. He turned around, meeting a black pair of eyes. A smile formed on Felix's lips as he jumped in Changbin's arms, squeezing the dear life out of him.

"I missed you, you little mogi" Felix laughed, mumbling a little boop when he touched Changbin's nose with his finger.

All of them were there— Seungmin, Jisung, Jeongin and Minho. Nobody was missing and Felix hugged all of them except him, of course.

Even though they haven't seen or spoken to each other in three years, the same energy lingered in the room. They missed this more than they wanted to admit it. It felt safer, better, like nothing bad was happening in their lives.

Minho smiled, clapping his hands "Gentleman's, let's have a seat" he pointed to the glass table in the middle of the room.

As they seated down, Felix observed that in front of him was Jisung and beside him Hyunjin.

What a fucking coincidence...

"As you can see, we are all here," Minho said, thinking about how to formulate the words he was about to say.

Felix's eyes landed on Hyunjin subconsciously watching every detail of him. The same plump lips, mysterious eyes and annoying smirk.

Fuck— he caught Felix stare at him and that bastard smirked. This is going to be a long night.

"I have good and bad news— I'll start with the bad ones... Dad died a few months ago." A silence fell in the room, nobody breathing.

Minho's father was a nice and good man but also a really tricky and manipulative person. During their time spent at the school, they met a couple of times his father. They didn't expect him to be so kind considering what he was.

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