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They were sitting quietly in the car. Hyunjin was looking over the map of the underground tunnels, sometimes noting things down the paper.

Chan was driving, making fast turns almost flying with the van and Chain was sitting peacefully, one of the cats rubbing their head against his leg  while the other two were meowing and running hectically around as he sharpened a knife, inspecting the blade from time to time.

Something was off. The pressure in his gut and the ringing in his left ear annoying him already.
And the two cats running around like they were drugged almos slamming in the walls.

Listen closely, Chain. Felix said, somewhere close in the inner realm.

So Chain did. Ignoring the annoying meowing, the soft purring of the chubby cat and the buzz of the engine, he squinted his eyes, listening.

A soft tickling was hidden behind the buzzing if the engine, its rhythm too fast to be made by the car.

It's a bom—

"Get out! Here's a bomb"

Hearing that Chan slammed the brakes, the engine stopping immediately. All of them looking at each other and hearing the faint tickling of the bomb.

Hyunjin jumped from his seat, ready to fly out of the car, opening the back door huriedly "The fucking cats!" Chain screamed, hoisting up two of them while the third one ran out of the car and Chan took Brownie along with some documents as he answered the phone.

Everything happened fast, in a few seconds they  got what they needed and jumped out the van.

"Get out of the car if you're with Hyunjin and Felix, they're after them—" Minho shouted from the other line but the bomb had already exploded.

The cats in Chain's arms jumped when the car exploded and ran behind a trash can as they meowed more loudly as the male dropped to the ground, Hyunjin covering the youngers body with his.

It felt unreal, like a dream and the loud ringing in their ears didn't help at all.

After all the pieces of the car flew around them and somehow the buzzing feeling went away, Hyunjin took his hands from around Chain's head the was resting against his chest, winching when he felt a piece of metal going deeper in his thigh.

"Chan?" he shouted, looking around the dark street but his eyes were too blurry and glossy from the thick smoke.

"I'm okay! How's Felix?" he asked from somewhere close, his voice bouncing between the buildings

Hyunjij looked down, caressing his hand down the male's back and gulping when he felt warm blood against his palms. His wounds reopened. He was shaking, making Hyunjin believe Felix or a little slipped in front.

Holding his breath, worried, Hyunjin pushed the younger away from his body to see if he was having a panic attack or if he was crying, only to be met with Chain chuckling.

"He's fine I think" Hyunjin said, biting the inside of his cheek when Chain wiped a tear that fell on his cheek. "What a Christmas Eve" he breathed out, resting his head against Hyunjin's chest again.

The older sighed loudly, hugging close Chain, surprised when the younger didn't bite or punch him.

Chan came towards them, pursing his lips when he saw the state of the two. "Does it hurt?" he asked after crouching down beside Hyunjin, pointing at his thigh.

Hyunjin shook his head, ripping a piece of his shirt with one hand while the other was around Chain, holding the male close.

He didn't understand what was going on with the alter, he was too clingy for his own nature and Hyunjin didn't complain but made him worried.

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