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Felix groaned, turning around and took his ringing phone from the nightstand. "What" he said aggressively, scaring the man on the other end with his voice. "Morning sunshine"

He frowned, opening an eye to look at the ID before closing his eye again and turning around in the bed. "The fuck you want" "Chan made you coffee, it's in the thermos on Hyunjin's nightstand" Seungmin said on the other end, rolling his eyes.

The blonde raised his head from under the blanket, seeing the pink thermos. He put the phone on speaker and threw it in the bed. "Fucking sun" he whispered, closing his eyes, he took the thermos and opened the lid, smelling it.

"We didn't put naphthalene in it, asshole" Seungmin rolled his eyes, looking behind his shoulder at Changbin carrying iron barrels with Chan, Minho and Peniel.

"And you woke me up because of this?" "Ayo, why's Changbin limping?" San asked, placing his hands on his hips "For fuck's shake" Seungmin muttered.

"Get in the fucking lab" Jisung screamed at the phone, startling both the boys. Felix sighed getting up and taking his fluffy boots and coffee after he washed his face and teeth, heading in the basement.

"Daddy's here, slaves. Now get to work" Felix's voice rang in the room, scaring all the workers.

"Look who's up, finally" Jisung said, writing something on the pc.

Jeongin gasped when he saw Felix, covering his mouth. "What the heck are you wearing?"

Felix grimaced, looking down at his yellow fleece flannel pants and Hyunjin's green hoodie. He raised an eyebrow, looking back at the maknae. "Do you have a problem with how I am dressed?"

Chan hurried to the two boys, placing his hands on Jeongin's shoulders and pulling him back. "Let's not judge how he's dressed, okay princess? You know who you're talking about" Chan murmured, making sure his partner would not start a fight.

Eliot ran to Felix with a lab coat in his hands. Before he could place it on the boy's shoulders, Felix slapped his hand. "Did you start doing the heroine?" Eliot shook his head holding the coat in front of him.

Felix drank some coffee and sat down at his table reading a file. After a few minutes he looked at Eliot, frowning. "Why are you standing there? Didn't I told you to get to work" "Sir, you should put the robe on"

The blonde rolled his eyes, annoyed with the male. "I said get to fucking wor—" "Lee" Minho said calmly behind Eliot, making the male flinch. "Don't be disrespectful to your assistant" he said, taking the coat and placing it on the hanger.

He dismissed the male and took a seat on the table. Felix sighed, closing the file. "How much?" he asked, crossing his arms after placing his feet on the table. "500kg" "How much have we already prepared?" "425kg"

Felix nodded, turning around with the chair to look at the lab. Minho couldn't understand how Felix could stay days in that immense room without being scared.

If he would know...

"Okay, so 150 will be diluted with rat poison and the 350 with Fentanyl. Did the boys bring it?" "Yes" the younger clapped his hands, getting up and taking off his hoodie.

"Hey hey hey, not here" Felix chuckled at Minho's panicked voice before taking the sweater off "I have a t-shirt under, horny rabbit"

Minho rolled his eyes, jumping off the table and going to help Seonghwa.

After he put gloves, mask and the robe on he went in the middle of the lab. "Listen here. Woo's team will cut the heroin with rat poison. It's in the barrel's. Okay?" he said loudly, making sure he was heard. "Yes, sir" all of them said, starting to get to work. "Okay, the other ones. We'll use Fentanyl. My team will help me do some more along with the heroine, Changbin."

The latter raised his hand to show he was there. "Your team will dilute the heroine with the already made Fentanyl in the barrels with red lid"

The short male nodded.

Felix cracked his fingers, walking to his side of the lab. "Everyone put gloves and a mask on," he shouted.

They needed to stay safe, no matter what.

"Everyone here knows how to do tango and crash?" he asked and almost everyone nodded. "Who doesn't know how to make it, please come with me. We will remove the seed of the opium poppy for H"

Felix put music on and everyone started working. "Feel free to sing and dance ladies, I don't give a shit" he said, swinging his body as he walked to each table to help if it was needed.

When he reached Hyunjin's and Jisung's table, Hyunjin stopped working. "Why we're not splitting the pod so it could turn into sap?" he asked. "Because, my love, it takes too long and we already made 400kg like that. This one is different" Felix chuckled, tying Hyunjin's black hair in a messy bun.

The older nodded, leaning his head on Felix's stomach. He puckered his lips and looked at Felix with the most innocent eyes. "Kiss?"

Felix leaned down and kissed Hyunjin's lips softly, biting his bottom lip before breaking it. "Get a fucking room" Jisung said, making gagging sounds.

Hyunjin opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by Minho smirking. "I think we should do that first, darling."

Jisung blushed and started removing the seeds. "I need your help," Minho said, his tone turning serious.

Hyunjin bait Felix's index finger as the younger patted his shoulder. "Don't bait, that's my thing, lad" Felix pointed his finger at the male with a serious face before following Minho.

"What's the problem?" he asked, leaning on the table where Minho was seated, looking through his iPad.

"Do you know what's C22H32O4S mixed with KCl?"

Felix's mind went straight to Phil, one of his victims.

This had to do with Hyun.

"Spironolactone with potassium chloride. Why?" "The guy's we're selling the snow just bought that"

Felix smirked, looking at Minho with a knowing look "So that means that..." "You can bring your knives." Minho muttered. "Aaaand" "We will have guests" "Yes" Felix hissed, turning around and going towards Seungmin.

"I hope you cleaned the basement after your little play" Felix sang. Seungmin nodded, making a face when Felix winked at him.

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